Part 21

910 23 15

AU-Hey everyone sorry for no posting for a couple days I've been busy :( this chapter is pretty tense I understand if you want to skip it. Thank you for your patience, enjoy!
WARNING- Violence, Blood
^^- it's marked where it begins 🩸
After opening presents Papa decides that we should all go out for the day.
Aether-"Wait I can go!?"
Papa-"Yeah... I think you've suffered enough."
Papa smiles at Aether who's has the biggest smile on his face.
Swiss-"You're letting me go to?"
Papa-"Yes, but you have to stay by me the whole time do you understand?"
Swiss-"Yes sir.."
Mountain-"You should get him one of those kid leashes."
Everyone laughs except Swiss of course who just stands there with his arms crossed pouting.
Rain-"Where are we gonna go?"
Swiss-"Ooo! We should go to a bar!"
Papa-"No, no alcohol."
Y/n-"Some of us aren't old enough to drink."
Swiss-"So? We are ghouls from hell and you think we have to obey the law?"
Dew-"You already got arrested once. So yes we have to obey the law."
Swiss-"Blah blah, whatever you guys are no fun."
Rain-"How about we go bowling!"
Mountain-"I like that idea!"
We all agree, so we go back to our rooms and get ready. I put on our band T-shirt and some workout shorts. I grab my wallet and my phone and walk out the door, At the same time as Mountain
Mountain-"No. Go change."
Y/n-"What why??"
Mountain-"It's to cold for you to be in shorts."
Y/n-"No it's not I'll be fine."
Mountain-"You are not walking out of the front door until you put some pants on."
I roll my eyes
I turn around and go back into my room as I flip off my very annoying brother. I change into some sweatpants as requested. I leave my room for the second time to see that Mountain had been waiting outside my door the whole time.
Mountain-"Hey! You actually listened!"
Y/n-"Shut the fuck up. Let's go."
We walk to the front door and see Swiss, Rain, and Dew. Swiss and Rain are laughing and teasingly pushing Dew. I immediately walk over there and push myself in between the two boys. I look at them both very sternly.
Y/n-"What did I say about teasing him?"
Rain immediately backs downs and apologies, but Swiss obviously has to make things difficult.
Swiss-"Oh so are you his body guard now?"
I clench my fist and look him dead in the eyes
Y/n-"I said leave him alone Swiss. I'm not gonna tell you again."
Dew grabs my shoulder.
Dew-"Y/n it's okay! I'm fine let's just forget about it."
Y/n-"When Swiss apologizes."
Swiss-"I'm sorry you're such a pussy."
I'd had it. My hand swings up, punching him in the cheek. He falls to the ground. He slowly lifts his head up to look at me dark red blood dripping from his mouth. Flames are burning in his eyes, but so are mine. I lean down and get close to his face feeling the heat radiating off of him.
Y/n-"Get up....pussy."
He pulls him self up
Mountain-"HEY! That's enough."
We both ignore him. Staring into each other's eyes, tempting him to hit me.
Mountain-"Swiss... don't even fucking think about hitting her."
Dew-"Can you guys stop!"
I'm so mad I don't even hear them. Swiss grabs my shoulder's pushing me against a wall, knocking the wind out of me. I cough struggling to get a breath in. I feel his hands heat up and I realize that he's trying to burn me. Fire ghouls can't burn other fire ghouls, but since I'm only half I can be mildly burned. He's trying to do this because it shows he's has more power.
Y/n-"Don't even fucking think about it!"
Mountain grabs Swiss's arm pulling him back. I can hear Mountains skin sizzling against Swiss's hot body (Hot as in temperature!), but he doesn't seem to care. He leans down and gets eye to eye with Swiss.
Mountain-"I said. Don't fucking touch my sister. Do you understand?"
He pushes Swiss to the ground. Everyone looks at Mountain surprised. I run over to him and grab his hand. I look at it seeing that it's very badly burned. Just then Rain comes running in followed by Papa and Aether. I didnt even realize he left.
Papa-"What's going on here?!"
Mountain-"They just got into a fight that's all."
Papa walked over to us. He looked down at Swiss who still had blood dripping from his mouth, then looked back up at me.
Papa-"Are you okay?"
Y/n-"Yes sir."
He looks back to Swiss
Papa-"What's wrong with your mouth?"
Swiss-"Just a busted lip..."
Papa-"Aether, take Swiss to the infirmary to get his lip, looked at."
Aether walks over and helps Swiss off the ground then they walk away.
Y/n-"What about Mountain he burned his hand pretty bad."
Papa looks over at him then down at his hand.
Papa-"We're you apart of this?"
Mountain-"I pulled Swiss off of her."
Papa-"Okay. You go to the infirmary to get that bandaged up."
Papa looks over at Dew next who's standing against the wall.
Papa-"Are you hurt?"
Papa-"Rain, you and Dew leave me and y/n here to talk."
Rain-"Yes sir."
Rain pulls Dew away and they leave the room leaving only me and Papa. I feel the shame build up inside of me.
Papa sighs.
Papa-"What happened?"
I explained the events that led up to the fight. Papa nodded then said
Papa-"Im very disappointed in how you handled it. I don't expect stuff like this from you."
Y/n-"I know Papa....I'm sorry."
Papa-"Im not the one you need to apologize to. Go sit in my office I'll meet you in there after I check up on Swiss and Mountain."
I walk to Papa's office my head down in shame.
Word count-995

Mountains sister (Dewdrop x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora