Part 31

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AU- Hey everyone! This is the parents chapter! The only thing I need you guys to know in this chapter is that Dew's mom's name is Cara! Thank you so much enjoy!
I immediately run over to them wrapping my arms around them. Only about a second later I feel Mountains long ass arms wrap around all three of us. We all pull away and my mom, a short curvy woman with black hair, immediately puts her hands on my cheeks holding my face.
Mom-"Oh my babies! I've missed you guys so much."
She leans in and kisses my nose then turns to Mountain and does the same thing.
Y/n-"We missed you too mom."
I smile at her. Then my dad, a very tall man (Taller than Mountain) with a lot of muscle, black hair and a little bit of a beard, wraps his arms around me.
Dad-"You look amazing sweetheart. I've missed you."
Y/n-"I've missed you too dad."
We pull away and smile at each other. Then he walks over to Mountain pulling him into a hug.
Dad-"I've missed you son. You look great."
Mountain-"Thanks dad, I've missed you too."
They exchange smiles. Then Mountain crosses his arms
Mountain-"So you guys, Y/n has something to tell you."
He smirks at me. I give I a glare that says "Im gonna kill you".
Mom -"Oh what is it sweetie!?"
Y/n-"Ummm I uh h-have a boyfriend."
My dad crosses his arms too and asks
With a stone cold face. Like father like son.
Y/n-"Umm Dewdrop.."
My moms eyes lit up
Mom-"Oh yay!! He's such a sweet boy! Congratulations!"
She wraps her arms around me squeezing me to death. My dad looks around for a second then points to Dew who's standing across the room with his parents.
Dad-"That him?"
Y/n-"Umm... y-yes sir."
He just nods staring at Dew. My mom lets me go and turns around. Then she hit my dads shoulder
Mom-"Leave the poor boy alone! He's very sweet."
Then she gives him a stern look that says "I'm not playing". My dad sighs and uncrosses his arms.
Y/n-"Anyway! How about we go show you guys are rooms!"
Mountain-"They see our rooms every year."
Mom-"I'd love too honey."
She smiles at me with the sweetest smile. We all go to my room. When we walk in my parents walk around looking at all of my stuff. I walk over to sit on my bed when I notice something on the floor. A pair of Dew's underwear laying beside my bed. I quickly and sneakily kick it under the bed. I sigh with relief when it out of view. After a couple minutes of them walking around we go to Mountains room. Right when we walk in all you see is clutter clothes on the floor, empty water bottles by the bed,and a verity of other random things scattered around the room.
Mom-"Oh my Saten! Mountain! Did I never teach you to clean your room? This is disgusting!"
She complains as she walks around the room picking up his clothes and throwing them into his laundry basket. Mountain's face goes red and he looks down in shame.
Mountain-"It's not that bad..."
He mumbles under his breath. My mom stops dead I'm her tracks and turns to him. My mom can not STAND people mumbling under their breath. I just lean against the wall and smile. This is gonna be good! She walks over to him.
Mom-"What was that?"
She asks in a very stern voice. Mountain with his eyes still fixed on the floor replies
Mountain-"Um I-I said that Umm..."
Dad-"Well? Spit it out!"
My mom shoots him a look that says "I got this". My dad immediately shuts up. My mom may be small but she's the scariest person I've ever met.
Mom-"Mountain. Tell me what you said...and don't lie to me."
Mountain-"I said I-it's not that bad?"
He said more of like a question than an answer.
Mom-"It is that bad. You are 22 years old, you shouldn't haft to have you mom come and clean up your room. You can't just live in filth. Do you understand?"
Mountain-"Yes Ma'am...."
She turns to us, her mood immediately changing.
Mom-"So! Are we ready for dinner? I'm hungry!"
We all walk out to the hall and head to the cafeteria. Mom and dad ahead of us. I turn to Mountain and whisper
Y/n-"Pay backs a bitch."
He looks at me with an angry expression then aggressively sticks out his tongue. We both immediately bust out laughing. When we get to the cafeteria we see that the only ones there are Dew and his parents. We go over to them my dad sitting right across from Dew. I can see in Dews eyes that he is terrified. I sit next to my dad, I lean over and whisper to him
Y/n-"Please don't try to scare him."
He just nods and smiles at me which I hope means okay.
Mom-"Hey Cara!"
Cara-"Heyy! So our kids are dating now?"
Dew's face goes bright red.
He whines. She just laughs and turns back to my mom and they start talking about whatever moms talk about. Just then Aether and his parents walk in. I look over at them and I can clearly see that his mom has been crying. He must of sung her his song. His mom joins the others in their mom talk and Aether walks over and sits by Dew.
Y/n-"Looks like the song went well!"
Aether-"Yeah she loved it!"
I could also tell that he was crying, I guess he got the picture of his siblings and their letters. Next, Swiss and his parents walk in. By now the parents have formed groups. Moms and dads, we formed our own little group just us. Swiss sits next to Mountain.
Swiss-"Hey everybody!"
We all say hey.
Y/n-"Where's Rain?"
Aether-"I don't know probably in his room."
I sigh and get up
Y/n-"I'm gonna go talk to him."
Dew-"I'll go with you!"
He gets up and we leave the cafeteria.
Word count-1039

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