Part 6

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We leave my room and go to the cafeteria. When we walk in we head over to get our food than we sit down at an empty table. We just eat and talk a little, but then Mountain came over.
Mountain-"Can we talk? Privately."
He asks me
Y/n-"Uh yeah Dew go sit with Rain and Swiss."
He looks at me with worry in his eyes but goes anyway.Mountain sits down across from me.
Mountain-"Aether said you had something important to tell me?"
Oh that bitch! He knew it would take me forever to tell Mountain so he made Mountain come to me.
Y/n-"uh yeah. You have to promise me you won't get mad."
Mountain-" I can't promise anything."
Y/n-"Mountain please! This is important to me."
I look at him with pleading eyes. My heart is beating out of my chest. He sees how nervous I am so he looks at me with sympathy.
Mountain-"Okay I'm cool. What is it."
Y/n-"Sooo.... I'm dating someone."
I see his body tenses up and his fists clench.
Y/n-"Mountain calm down promise me you will not hurt him."
Mountain-"Who. Is. It."
Y/n-"Mountain I'm not telling you until you promise me that you will not hurt him. He means a lot to me and I will not let you hurt him."
He takes a deep breath and unclenches his fists.
Mountain-"Okay,Okay. I promise I won't hurt him. Can you just please tell me who it is?"
I look over at Dew who's looking at me terrified for his life.
Y/n-"It's- and you can not go back on your promise!"
Mountain-"Y/n I won't now tell me!"
His face drops and I can see the anger in his face.
Y/n-" Mountain?"
Mountain-"Do you like him?"
Y/n-"a lot"
Mountain-"Does he make you happy?"
His face stays with no emotion. He takes a couple deep breaths and nods. Then he says
Mountain-"Thank you for telling me. I love you. I'll talk to you later."
Y/n-"Okay, I love you too"
He stand up and walks away. I let out my breath that I've been holding the whole time. "We'll that went okay? I guess?" I think to myself "I need to tell Papa. He's always good at calming us down." I stand up and walk over to Dew and the other two. I lean down next to Dew's ear and tell him
Y/n-" I'm gonna go talk to Papa. Stay here okay?"
Then I kiss him on his jaw and walk away. I go upstairs to the top floor then over to Papa's room. I knock on the door.
Papa-"Who is it!"
Y/n-"It's me! Papa I need to talk to you!"
The door is pulled open and I see papa standing there, he steps out of the way so I have room to walk in.
Papa-"Come on in y/n"
I walk past him and sit in the chair in front of his desk, then he walks around and sits on the other side.
Papa-"What do you need to talk to me about princess?"
Y/n-"Um... Mountain."
Papa-"What happened? Did you two get in a fight again?"
Y/n- "Kinda.Um so I need to tell you something first."
Papa-"Go ahead."
Y/n-"So me and Dew are um dating..."
Papa-"Oh good! He's liked you for a while."
Papa-" Why do you think he was always nervous around you?"
Y/n-"yeah it's does make sense now."
I half giggle.
Papa-"So what happened with Mountain?"
Y/n-"Oh yeah. Um I told him about me and Dew and... he didn't do anything. He just thanked me for telling him and told me he loved me."
Papa-"Oh so what's the problem?"
Y/n-"He was just to calm... like no emotion at all. I was just wondering if you could talk to him. Make sure he's a okay."
Papa-"Of course I will! You are a really good sister you know that?"
Y/n-"Thank you Papa."
Papa-"No problem! Is there anything else you need to talk about?"
Y/n-"No. that's it."
Papa-"All right well come back if you need anything else."
Y/n-"Okay! Bye Papa!"
Papa-"Bye sweetheart!"
I get up and leave papa's room. That conversation made me feel a lot better. I hope he can figure out what's happening with Mountain. i'll walk down the stairs back towards the cafeteria as I walk through the door. I hear a call over the intercom.
Intercom-"Mountain Ghoul to Papa Emeritus IV room please! Thank you!"
I sigh with relief, then walk over to Swiss, Rain, and Dew. I sit down next to Dew and he looks at me worried.
Dew-"What happened w-with Mountain?"
Y/n-" I'm not to sure. But he's not gonna hurt you and I don't think he's too mad."
Dew-"T-that's good."
Y/n-"Yeah it is."
I kiss him on the nose, making him blush.Swiss and Rain start to laugh so I shoot them a stern warning glance and they shut up real quick. Me and Dew say our goodbyes and head back to my room.
Word count-904

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