Part 47

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AU-Hey! This chapter has some talk of sexual things it's kinda spread out here and there so I can't really mark it so just be careful! enjoy!!
I quickly wipe my tears away and push the door to my room open. When I walk in I see Dew sitting on the floor in front of my bookshelf, running his finger along the spines of all of my books. He seems to not notice that I walked in so I gently push the door shut and tip toe over to him. I sit down on the floor next to him. He looks over at me and jumps.
Dew-"Oh! You scared me."
I chuckle at him
Y/n-"Sorry. Whatcha doin?"
Dew-"Just can you read these things?"
Y/n-"Books are amazing. You can go anywhere and be anyone with books."
Dew-"You sound insane."
We laugh
Y/n-"I'm being serious. I could recommend you some."
Dew-"Oh no I don't like reading it's boring."
Y/n-"That means you've just never read the right book."
Dew just shakes his head
Y/n-"How about a little bet?"
Y/n-"I'll pick out a book for you and you just have to read 100 pages if you want to read more I win if you find it boring and want to stop reading after 100 pages you win."
Dew-"What do I get when I win?"
Y/n-"first off your not gonna win but, if some how you do I will give you a blowjob anywhere, anytime whenever you ask for a week."
Blush spreads across his face but a smile also spreads across his lips.
Dew-"O-Okay I l-like the sound of that. W-What if you win?"
I lean in really close to Dews face and whisper
Y/n-"You have to eat me whenever and wherever I ask."
I smirk as Dews smile falls and his face heats up even more. I laugh then turn back to the bookshelf and look carefully at each book until I land on the perfect one, The Other Side of The Moon (It's a made up book so don't go looking for it) I hand it to Dew.
Dew-"This looks really boring."
Y/n-"Trust me it's not. Now, while you read that I'm gonna go workout I haven't done it in a while."
Dew-"Okay, have fun."
I grab my workout bag and walk out of my room. I walk down stairs to the basement which is where the gym and locker room for the clergy are. I walk in to the locker and start to change as I'm getting ready I hear the music in the gym going. I guess someone's already here. I finish up then walk out into the gym. When I walk in I see Swiss aggressively punching the punching bag. His wearing some basketball shorts and he's covered in sweat.
Y/n-"I'm glad your punching the bag instead of my brother."
His arms drop to his sides and he lets out a sigh. He turn and looks at me
Swiss-"You brother is a bitch."
I laugh
Y/n-"Can I join you?"
Swiss-"Sure, hey why are you down here? You never workout."
He says as he pulls his boxing gloves off.
Y/n-"Fuck you I do workout. I just need to blow off some steam, just like you."
He nods then throws his gloves on the floor.
Swiss-"Want to see who can run faster on the treadmill?"
Y/n-"Oh you're on."
I hit the stop button and step off the treadmill completely out of breath.
Y/n-"fucking hell you're fast.."
Swiss just smiles. He takes a swig of his water then hands it to me.
Y/n-"I'm I okay to drink after you? I'm not gonna get herpes right?"
We both laugh
Swiss-"Fuck off, you can't say shit I hear you and Dew."
I take a swig then go to hand it back
Y/n-"Yeah and my mouths been all over his dick."
I smirk
Swiss-"Ew! Fuck! Just keep it."
He pushes my hand away. I laugh and take another drink. We walk into the locker room and sit down on one of the benches.
Y/n-"So, did you ever talk to that girl from the restaurant?"
Swiss-"No...I'm just nervous, I don't want to get attached to her and then when I tell her I'm from hell she runs off."
Y/n-"If you don't try you'll never know."
Swiss-"I guess.."
Y/n-"Anyway! I gotta go Dews dick has my name written allllll over it."
Swiss-"You're so fucking nasty."
I laugh and grab my bag then I head back upstairs. I walk over to my room and open my door. I see Dew laying on my bed his nose in the book. I can see that he's on page 100 so I stand there and watch. He flips the page and continues reading. I chuckle
Y/n-"I win."
He quickly turns and looks at me.
Dew-"What no I- fine... I just want to know if she's gonna say yes!"
I laugh and walk over to him
Y/n-"We'll you can keep reading, you already lost, but once I take a shower I get to use my reward."
I wink at him then kiss his now bright red cheek.
Word count-886
AU-I really enjoyed writing this chapter:)) I hope you enjoyed reading it!

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