Part 43

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AU-Hey everybody! I'm sorry I haven't been able to update in a few days, some stuff came up and college is kicking my ass. Thank you for sticking around and for 19k reads that's insane I love you guys so much!! Enjoy!
We all look at the menus and think about what we want to eat. The waitress walks up to our table and lets out a little laugh.
Waitress -"Do you guys need a bigger table?"
She's very beautiful with her long black hair tied up in two buns on the top of her head. She has hazel eyes and a big smile with two very prominent dimples.
Swiss-"Yes! If you could beautiful."
He winks at her. A pink blush spreads across her face.
Waitress-"O-Okay, come this way please.."
We all get up and follow the very flustered waitress across the restaurant to a bigger table. I elbow Swiss who's starting at the waitress. He jumps and turns to me.
He asks in a snarky tone.
Y/n-"Alright! Didn't mean to pull you out of your little trance."
Swiss-"Sorry...she's just so..beautiful."
He says in almost disbelief. I chuckle at how star struck he is.
Y/n-"Ask for her number! She obviously likes you."
Swiss-" a human. She probably won't like me as a ghoul from hell."
Just then we get to the table. We all sit down(in the same order as before) with way more room this time.
The waitress quickly takes our orders and walks away. Mountain smiles across the table at Swiss.
Mountain-"Dude, she's totally into you."
Swiss-"I wish I could ask her out.."
He says his voice laced with disappointment.
Dew-"You can!"
Swiss-"I'm sure she's not into ghouls."
At this point I can see the pain in his eyes. Damn, he really likes this girl.
Mountain-"Bro just ask her out!"
Aether-"Yeah, get to know her and if she really loves you it won't matter what you are."
Swiss-"'re a ghoul from literal hell."
Y/n-"Just ask her! Give her your number! Something! For the love of Satan!"
Swiss-"Exactly! Satan. I'm sorry but I don't think that most human like Satan."
Papa-"Satanist's exist."
Mountain-"Just go for it man."
Just then the waitress walks over two plates in hand. She sits one infront of Mountain and one infront of Papa. As she turns to go get the other plates I elbow Swiss in the side.
Swiss-"Um excuse me!"
He quickly blurts out. She turns and smiles at him.
Swiss-"I think you're very pretty and I was wondering if um I could get your number?"
Waitress-"Oh...yeah! Sure!"
She smile's really big putting her dimples on display. He hands her his phone and she quickly types her number in and hands it back.
Waitress-"Let me go get the r-rest of your meals."
She turns around and scurries away. When she's out of ear shot Swiss let's put a relieved sigh. She comes back and gives us the rest of our food avoiding eye contact with Swiss, still with a dark blush on her face.
Word count- 500

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