Part 13

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I was just about to finally fall asleep when there is... you guessed it... a knock at the door. I start to get up but realize that if I do I'll wake Dew up but he said he didn't have much sleep. So instead I just said
Y/n-"Come in."
The knob turned and in walks Mountain.
Mountain-"Hey do you want to go w- oh sorry am I interrupting something?"
Y/n-"No you're not just try to be quiet so you don't wake him up."
Mountain-"Umm okay, anyway Swiss is wondering if you want to go with us, we're gonna go out."
Y/n-"Go out where?"
Mountain-"I don't know just walk around?"
Y/n-"Yeah I guess I'll go, I do need to get Rain a birthday present."
Mountain-"Oh yeah his birthday's tomorrow right?"
Mountain-"Alright we'll we're leaving in 30, bye."
He turns around and walks out. I start to try and wiggle out of bed without waking Dew, but it doesn't work. He slowly opens his eyes and stretches his arms out grabbing me and pulling me back into him.  I laugh
Y/n-"Dew I have to get up love."
Dew-"Nooo... stay and cuddle with me."
Y/n-"Baby I've been cuddling with you."
Dew-"Nu-uh I was asleep so it doesn't count."
I just roll my eyes and push myself out of his arms, rolling out of bed.
Dew-"Where are you going?"
Y/n-"The guys asked if I wanted to go with them to walk around so I have to get ready."
Dew-"Who's going?"
Y/n-"Mountain and Swiss."
Dew-"Can I go?"
He looks at me with puppy dog eyes.
Y/n-"Uh how about you stay it'll be good for me to hang out with Mountain, we haven't hung out without you since I told him about us."
Dew-"Oh... okay."
He looks really upset. I walk over to him and grab his face so he'll look at me.
Y/n-"Listen when I get back we can do whatever you want. Okay?"
Y/n-"Really my love."
He smiles at me. I giggle and kiss his nose. He curls back up into my blankets and I go and get ready. When I finally finish I walk over to Dew to see him yet again fast asleep. I lean down kiss him on the forehead and whisper
Y/n-"Bye sweet boy."
Then I grab my phone and my wallet and walk out gently closing the door behind me. I walk to the main door to see Swiss and Mountain talking. Mountain's twirling the van keys around in his hand.
Swiss-"Finally! Took you long enough."
I rolled my eyes
Y/n-"Whatever. Did you tell Papa we're leaving?"
Mountain-"I did."
Y/n-"Good well then let's go!"
Swiss-"What about the bottom boy? He not coming?"
Y/n-"First off don't call him that, and second no he needs to sleep."
Swiss-"Okay well that's everyone!"
Y/n-"I call shotgun!"
We all laugh as we walk out the door. As soon as we step out we all change to our human forms. We get in the car me getting front seat, Mountain driving, and Swiss sitting right behind us. Mountain starts up the car and starts to drive away from the clergy. I prop my feet up on the dash and grab the ax cord.
Mountain-"Get your feet off the dash."
Y/n-"What why?"
Mountain-"Because you're gonna get dirt and shit all over it."
I reluctantly pull my feet down.
Y/n-"Whatever fun police."
Swiss-"Why are you acting so dad like?"
Y/n-"Yeah let loose have fun! Papa's not here to stop us."
Mountain-"Exactly Papa's not here. I'm the oldest so any stupid shit you guys do I'll get in trouble for."
Swiss-"Okay old man."
I laugh at the comment. I turn on my classic rock playlist the first song that came on was Crazy Train By Ozzy Osbourne. Me and Swiss start singing and dancing but Mountain doesn't move an inch. That's odd I think to myself. I ignore it though and just have a good time. We finally get to the mall and we all pile out. I look over at Mountain and he seems nervous, so I walk over and ask him
Y/n-"What wrong?"
Mountain-"Nothing it's just Aether always goes out with us and he's the oldest so he takes the responsibility. He's good at it! I'm not... I'm just scared that something gonna happen and it's gonna be my fault."
Y/n-"Look you don't have to be worried about me I won't do anything stupid...buttt you do have to worry about Swiss. I'll help though, between you and me I think he's a little scared of me."
Mountain laughs and thanks me. I tell him not to worry about it and we all head inside.
Y/n-"So I'm gonna go the the jewelry place to get Rain's birthday gift."
Mountain-"Okay I'm gonna go look at the music store, I have to get some new drum sticks mine broke."
Swiss-"I'm going with Mountains I just want to look around."
We all split up. I head over to the jewelry store and start to look around. After a while, a worker comes up to me and asked if I need any help.
Y/n-"Oh I'm just looking for a birthday gift for a friend of mine."
Worker-"Okay! Tell me about your friend what do they like?"
Y/n-"We'll his names Rain he plays the guitar and loves music, uh he likes water, the color blue, and sleeping."
The worker laughs at the last thing.
Worker-"I think I have something you might like! Let me go and get it."
I wait for a second at the counter then the worker comes back with a little black box in their hand. They sit it infront of me and I grab it and open the box.
Y/n-"It's perfect. I'll take it!"
I pay for the present and the worker packs it up for me. I thank the worker and walk out with my bag. I walk over to the music store to meet up with the guys. When I walk in the store I immediately see Mountain.
Mountain-"Swiss! Swiss! Damnit where are you! This isn't funny!....Y/n! Have you seen Swiss?"
Y/n-"What no? Did you loose him?"
Mountain-"I'm s-sure he's just being a dick."
We look around the whole shop and still can't find him so I ask the guy at the counter
Y/n-"Hey sorry to bother you but have you seen a guy with black hair about 5'11 wearing a red hoodie and ripped black jeans."
Worker-"Oh yeah! I saw him walk out of the shop laughing about 25 minutes ago."
Y/n-"Oh.... shit."
Word count-1182
AU- Oh no ANOTHER cliff hanger!

Mountains sister (Dewdrop x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora