High Society Ain't All It's Cracked Up to Be

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Summary: When Natasha spots Kate meeting up with some old friends from the richer side of things, she quickly realizes that they are being less than perfectly nice to the girl and are even looking down on her. So Natasha wastes no time in calling the one person that can speak their snobby, entitled, rich kid language and successfully humiliate them the most-- Tony Stark.

   "It's been so great to catch up with you guys," Kate's voice sounded off not too far away from where Natasha was walking by, and Natasha furrowed her brow a little in confusion as she paused near the doorway to the common room. She was not sure who Kate was talking to, but she thought that she would stop for just a moment to try to overhear what was going on.

"Yeah, sure," someone replied to her, a surprising indifference in their voice.

"It's been cool," another unfamiliar voice piped up casually, and Natasha peered in just barely, trying to figure out what was going on and who was talking to Kate.

To her surprise, there were three fancily dressed girls that looked to be about Kate's age, and Natasha could not help but remain still, trying to assess the situation as she attempted to understand what was going on. They seemed to be people that Kate knew, and based on their mode of dress, it must have been people that Kate knew from her past and during her time among the richer side of society.

Kate looked slightly strained as she remained standing there and speaking to them, and Natasha decided that she would stick around and keep an eye on things for a little longer.

Natasha had been heading off to go help Steve get some sort of gift together for Carol. However, at the realization that Kate was thrown in amongst what appeared to be wolves in sheep's clothing, she figured that he could likely wait.

"Too bad it'll be a while before we see you again," one of the girls told Kate, and Natasha could immediately read the falseness in her tone despite how she reached out and touched Kate's arm kindly. She wondered if Kate could see it, too.

"Oh, wait, but won't you be going to the Annual Fall Charity Ball this year? Your mother did used to be the host," the other girl pointed out, and Natasha instantly felt herself bristle as she kept an eye on the situation. These girls were definitely not here to see an old friend again. These girls were out for blood, and Natasha could just feel the aura coming off of them.

"No, probably not. I've got a lot of stuff to do here. Being an official Avenger-in-training has been a lot of work," Kate admitted, chuckling as she overall looked somewhat nervous.

"Ah... Avenger-in-training..."

There was a moment of silence before one of the girls spoke up once again.

"I guess you probably weren't even invited to the ball, though, were you?" she questioned in a manner that was more of an expectant statement. Kate did not have an overly physical reaction to the statement, but Natasha could see her slight change in body language that gave away the feelings beneath the surface.

"Well, not really. I don't have time for it anyway, Jessica," Kate expressed, and Jessica made a sad face, poking her lip out a little as she reached out and patted Kate's arm.

"Oh, poor you... I'd tell myself that, too, if I wasn't invited," Jessica nodded, her lips drawn in a thin line as she looked at Kate. Kate furrowed her brow, stepping back a little as she drew in on herself somewhat.

It was at that moment that Natasha decided she was done hearing these girls push Kate around like this.

And as much as she herself wanted to charge in and take care of the problem, she knew that she was not going to be able to get through to these girls. Not in the manner that they needed to be communicated with.

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