The mechanic

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I yelped as yet another blaster hit the side of the razor crest. I was holding on for dear life as Mando swerved the ship left and right.

Next to me in the other passenger seat, the child was crying as they flew around roughly. He was also strapped in so he wouldn't get hurt.

Just a few moments ago, everything had been fine. But then, a bounty hunter appeared behind us out of nowhere, demanding that we hand over the kid. Not gonna happen.

"Hand over the child and the girl, Mando. I might let you live." The bounty hunter said as he continued to fire on them. My heart dropped at his words and my head spun in confusion.

"What? What the hell does he want with me?" I yelled in confusion over the sound of electricity crackling and blasted shots.

The ship continued to take hits. We were rattled around violently as the man fired on them. He then managed to get a hit on the engine.

An Alarm started blaring throughout the cockpit as warning messages flashed on the screens.

"Hold on," Mando said as He pushed the control to the right, and they began to spin upside down. I braced my hand against the wall of the crest and screwed my eyes shut.

"Come on," Mando muttered as he leveled the ship again.

"I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold." The bounty hunter said. I rolled my eyes, it wasn't the same when other people said that.

Mando then quickly pulled the brakes on the ship, causing my body to jolt forwards in my chair.  The bounty hunter's ship went flying over the top of the crest.

Once he was in front of us, Mando quickly locked onto his ship and fired. "That's my line." He said before the ship exploded into pieces.

The razor crest began to drift through space, with only one engine working we weren't going to go very far. We needed to find a mechanic. Fast.

"Mando...?" I spoke up hesitantly

"Yeah?" He replied

"What did he mean? When he said he wanted me and the child?" I asked with my brows furrowed, why would they have any interest in me? Apart from the fact that I helped steal the child back. But Mando did that as well, they specifically asked for me.

Mando shook his head subtly and tightened his grip on the controls. "I don't know."

I sighed and nodded, I racked my brain for reasons why they would be after me. But I came up empty.

The Razor crest slowly drifted towards the nearest planet, Tatooine. The ship spluttered as an alarm blared around the cockpit. Mando continued to press buttons and flick switches as we continued to drift aimlessly.

"Losing fuel." Mando stated. He then completely powered down the ship. Plunging us into darkness. I blinked harshly as my eyes attempted to adjust to the sudden lack of light.

The child giggled as the ship turned off and we silently floated through space. Mando left his seat and turned part of the ship back on. He slowly began to power up the crest again.

After he pressed a few buttons and levers, the lights and the power came back on. The engines began to work again and started to push them towards Tatooine.

An operator then broke the silence of the ship. "This is Mos Eisley tower. We are tracking you. Head for bay three-five, over." The man said over the intercom.

"Copy That. Locked in for three-five." Mando Said

The ship then began to lower itself into the atmosphere, the entry was pretty rough considering how much damage they had taken. I clutched onto the side of my seat as the ship bumped and swayed.

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