A visit from the past

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Din and I stood upon the steps that lead up to the town hall of Nevarro. Greed Karga stood in front of us with a friendly smile on his face. The street around us wasn't terribly busy for a change and the sky above us was a calming light blue.

"The people of Nevarro appreciate all you've done. I want to give you this deed to a cabin just outside of town where you can lay low with your new family if you choose so. Between adventures." Greef Karga handed Din the deed. My eyes light up at the prospect of the three of us having a real, permanent home.

"Thank you." Din said gratefully. He reached his hand out and firmly shook Greef Karga's.

"Thank you." I added with a happy smile

"And that goes for you too, Din Grogu." Greef Karga chuckled as he petted Grogu on the head.

"And I have a gift for you as well." Greef Karga said. I raised my brow curiously at him, the cabin wasn't the gift?

I glanced over when I heard the familiar clanking sound of a large droid. A brand new IG-11 came walking up to us. He had red strips of paint covering the top half of his body, and there wasn't a whole In his chest for Grogu.

"Greetings, citizens." IG-11 said with a wave. "I am IG-11, your new Marshal. Your new Marshal of Nevarro."

The people who were in the town square began to applaud and cheer happily for the droid.

"I am here to serve and protect the citizenry." IG-11 said

"There we go." Greef Karga chuckled as he made his way into the crowd of townspeople to clap for the droid as well.

"I am at your disposal and serve at your pleasure." IG-11 said as the crowd continued to cheer.

I turned my head to Din to see him staring out at the crowd. "Well, shall we go check this place out?" I asked him in a quiet tone.

"Yeah, let's go." Din nodded gently. The three of us then walked down the steps and left the people of Nevarro in the capable hands of IG-11.


I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face as I took in the small cabin that had been given to us. It was in a remote part of Nevarro, giving us a lot of privacy and land, which meant that I could practice fighting with my sabers without worrying any neighbors. The walls and the roof were made of a smooth light coloured stone and there was a tree standing outside of the property.

"What do you think?" Din asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I love it. Our first stationary home." I joked lightly, referring to the Razor Crest that used to be our home.

"That it is." Din chuckled

"What do you think, Grogu?" I asked the child. I looked down to see him staring at the place with wide eyes. He then looked up at the two of us and cooed happily. He started to waddle forward, heading towards the house.

"You know, it doesn't feel like it was that long ago that we were being chased out of here. Now we have a house here." I said happily as Din and I began to follow after Grogu.

"Times change, sometimes for the better." Din said gently.

"That's true." I said as I looked up at him with fondness in my eyes.

Grogu cooed at us from the front door, waiting impatiently to get a look inside. I smiled gently at him as we walked up to the door. Din unlocked it with the key that we had been given and the door slid open. Grogu was the first one to walk inside and Din and I followed after him.

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