A Mandalorian and A Jedi

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The round white droid beeped quietly, whooshing from side to side in an attempt to throw me off before shooting a stun bolt at me. I quickly blocked the shot with my lightsaber and hit the bolt Into a tree to my left. It changed position and hummed, trying to keep me on my toes. It shot again and I was quick to block the shot. The first time I had done this the droid managed to get my arm, I have a small scar to prove it.

The droid suddenly clicked and shut down, I furrowed my brows in confusion as it fell to the ground. It didn't take me long to feel the presence of my master from behind me. I turned on my heels to face him and disengaged my saber.

"Celeste. I need to talk to you." Luke said, his expression was serious. I couldn't help the small amount of worry that jabbed at my chest.

"What is it?" I asked him, taking a step closer.

"Ahsoka tells me you know of the Mandalorians visit." Luke said

"I do. I felt his presence as he left." I admitted

"I see. When The Mandalorian came to visit, he brought a gift with him. Beskar Chain-mail armor for Grogu." Luke said. My lips twitched up in a small smile at his words, of course he had.

"For a while now, I have noticed that Grogu's heart has not been fully into his training. So I gave him a choice. The choice was to take the armor and go back to the Mandalorian, or to take Master Yoda's lightsaber and stay here to continue his training." Luke explained. My heart jumped in my chest at the thought of going back to Din, but I tried to push it down and keep my expression neutral.

"What did he choose?" I asked him

"He chose to return to the Mandalorian." Luke told me. My heart jolted in my chest, does that mean that I'll be here without the child?

"I see." I said casually, trying to hide my feelings.

"Now, I'm giving you the same choice." Luke said with a knowing look in his eyes.

"What?" I asked him.

"Grogu would be safer with you by his side, you can choose to go with him." Luke explained. I nodded to him while my mind ran a hundred miles an hour. Every single scenario was running through my brain. I wanted to continue my training, but the only thing that kept coming to the front of my mind was Din.

"You want to go, don't you?" Luke asked me.

"I...I don't know." I said hesitantly. The indecision was making my head spin.

"It's okay, Celeste ." Luke said

I couldn't help but think of Luke's feelings in all of this as well. I didn't want to just up and leave him. "Are you sure?"

Luke chuckled at my concern. "I'm sure. Besides, you can always come back if you wish. You're not being kicked out after all."

I hesitated for a moment before I nodded. I took in a deep breath to try and calm my nerves before I took a step forward. Luke held his hand out to shake my own but I ignored it. I stepped up to him and wrapped my arms around him for a hug. Luke wrapped his arms around my back in a friendly embrace.

"Thank you." I said as I let him go.

"The pleasure was all mine." Luke said with a soft nod. I smiled in return. The thought of seeing him again was whirling in my mind and making me feel slightly dizzy. The anticipation that I was feeling was beyond anything I'd felt before. I don't even think it's fully set in yet that I will soon be back with my Mandalorian.


I couldn't help the way my eyes lit up as the familiar mechanics bay of Mos Eisley came into view. Master Skywalker's X-wing was lowering itself down through the atmosphere. My eyes scanned the view of Mos Eisley outside, it had been so long since I had been to Tatooine. The sky outside was dark, the lights of the city looked like stars scattered in the sand.

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