A moment of rest

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Din and I walked back down the hallway of the Inn. Once we picked up the child, we could go back to the crest and head to Corvus. I was clutching tightly to my beskar necklace again, my nerves were beginning to skyrocket. It suddenly all felt so real. I was going to be meeting a Jedi. Someone who could finally answer all the questions I've had for my whole life.

And I don't know if I'm ready.

I don't know if I'm ready to face the truth. To be told exactly what I am and what my place is in this vast galaxy. Would Ahsoka Tano even be able to help me? I know it sounds stupid but...what If I'm not Jedi enough? Maybe I'm not strong enough in the force. From what I've learned Jedi are trained their whole lives. I hardly know anything about the force.

Din knocking firmly on the door to the room brought me out of my spiraling thoughts. I blinked firmly to shake myself out of it just as the door slid open. Inside the cozy room of the Inn was the lady and her husband. The child was sitting between them looking at what I assumed to be one of their babies in a dish of water.

"Thank you for watching him." Din said. He walked across the room to them.

"Okay, kid. Come in. It's time to go." He picked the child up from the ladies lap and he started whining. Reaching his little hands out towards the baby in the water, he clearly didn't want to go yet.

"Let go. Come on, kid. Congratulations." Din said to the lady, referring to the hatching of her children. I couldn't help but smile gently.

"Yeah, congratulations." I said gently

Din walked across the room towards me and the couple went back to looking after one of their babies.

I turned around and walked out the door, I could sense that Din and the child were right behind me as I started to walk down the long hallway. We now had to go back to the crest. Everytime I remembered where we were going my anxiety spiked.

It wasn't long before Din caught up to me, his long strides quickly brought him to my side. We made it to the reception of the Inn and walked out into the street. The sky was the same colour as it has been the entire time we've been here.

I stifled a yawn as the three of us made our way down to the landing bay. I really needed to get some sleep before we got to Corvus. I don't remember the last time I managed to sleep for longer than a few hours at best.

When the crest came Into view, I felt a small amount of comfort, even though it was barely being held apart, it was still home. Din and I stopped walking as we stared up at our ship. It truly was still a mess.

"I have you a thousand credits. This was the best you could do?" Din said, I looked over and noticed the mechanic had come to stand with us.

The mechanic didn't say anything in reply, he only wordlessly held out a data pad for Din to sign. Confirming that the work had been finished. We really need to get to Mos Eisley. Peli was the one who got us into this mess in the first place.

Din signed the data pad and began to walk towards the crest. I glanced over at the mechanic before I followed after him. The hull ramp slowly slid open, it stuttered slightly in its movement, but it managed to open up.

The two of us walked inside and I felt myself frown. The inside of the hull was still a complete mess, the cobwebs had been mostly swept away but the entire hull was covered in scratches. However, the scuff marks from the spiders was the least of my concerns.

The compartment that held my bed was not only covered in scratches, but it also had a blaster burn embedded into the center. I frowned and pulled it open. The bottom was dented and there were webs on the inside somehow. Well, there goes any sleep I could've gotten.

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