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The wooden floor creaked under my boots as I looked around the small room. My room. I don't remember the last time I had a room to myself. I think the last room I stayed in that wasn't a motel was my childhood room.

I sighed gently and placed my backpack on the floor beside the bed. I sat down on the bed and glanced around. It was a nice room considering most of the building outside wasn't finished. There was a closet, a side table and a wooden chair. I felt the smallest amount of contentment, even though my heart was still shattered. All I could think about was Din. What was he doing? Was he okay? How was he going to get around without the crest?

A knock at the door broke me out of my thoughts. I glanced over at the door and straightened my back slightly. "Come in."

The door gently swung open to reveal the Jedi standing on the other side. He smiled gently as he walked in and closed the door behind himself.

"How are you? I hope everything here is alright." He asked

"I'm okay, thank you. Everything's great." I said with a small smile

"That's good. Well, I think introductions should be in order. I'm Luke, Luke Skywalker." Luke said

"Celeste Delius, it's nice to meet you." I replied

"It's nice to meet you, too." Luke said. I smiled kindly at him, a gesture that he returned.

"Do you mind if I sit?" Luke asked, gesturing to the empty space beside me.

"No, I don't mind." I said with a light smile

Luke walked over to me and took a seat on the bed, he respectfully left a good distance between us.

"So, I'm new to this. To teaching, that is." Luke chuckled slightly. "You and the child are my first students." I nodded to him as I listened intently.

"We'll start training early. At 7 am, just after the sun rises. You'll have to study, too. I have several of the Jedi texts that will help you with your training." Luke explained

"Sounds good." I nodded in agreement

"Good. I know it's hard for you to leave The Mandalorian. But you're doing the right thing." Luke added. I smiled gently but I couldn't help the way my heart panged in my chest slightly.

"I'll leave you to get settled then." Luke said with a small smile.

"Thank you." I smiled back. Luke bowed his head in a nod and stood up from the bed. He walked across the room and opened the door, stepping out of the room and pulling it closed behind him. I sighed gently and flopped backwards onto the bed, staring up at the wooden ceiling. I couldn't help the way my eyes started to sting with tears, I was feeling homesick. But not homesick for a place, homesick for a person. For my mandalorian.

It made me think back to the first time we met. When I was a lonely bounty hunter in a large galaxy. I didn't know my place. I didn't have a purpose. All I had was my blaster and a bounty puck.


3 years ago.

The soft beeping of the tracking beacon kept me alert. I listened to the speed of the sound to see how close my bounty was. My fingers tightened around the handle of my blaster as the beeping sped up.

I walked on quiet feet, avoiding any twigs that littered the forest floor. The tall trees towered over me and made me feel on edge. It felt like someone could jump out at any second. Like I'm the prey and not the hunter.

The beeping sped up even more and the smell of wood smoke filled my senses. I carefully placed the tracker in my pocket and crouched down. I crept forward towards the smell of the smoke and my eyes landed on a camp.

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