Quick To Snatch And Quicker To Catch (Chapter 7)

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I paid for my stuff and realized I had enough money left to pay for Yashiro.

She put her basket on the counter and took out her wallet

"Hey, don't worry about that let me pay!"
I interrupt her before she could take out her cash

"What a gentleman."
The kind cashier said as Yashiro broke out in a small panic

"No no, it's fine. You don't need to pay for me, especially since we just met!"
She said pushing my hand away and paying before I could intertwine. Leaving me slightly startled and wondering why she wouldn't pick up an offer of getting free candy. I would do that any day doesn't matter if the candy is in the back of a truck.

My target was her diary now that my side quest of getting sweets was over I needed to focus. But something was off during the side quest.

We sat down at a café nearby due to Nene suggesting it. She ordered a hot chocolate and I got a Mix berry shake.

The sunlight shone on our table since she insisted on sitting near a window due to the lovely view of the flower shop. I thought it looked decent but to each their own.

"Remember that I said I knew something you'd like more?"
I brought up and Yashiro nodded

"Well, it's this."
I say handing her the wrapped strawberry cake

"Aww, there was no need to! But thank you so much."
She says with a bright smile as a pink Aura forms around her

"Oh ah, I'll be back in a second."
She says standing up and going to the restroom.

The second she did my eyes landed on her bag that was on the sofa across from me.

"I got to be quick!"
I thought as I reached over the table and grabbed her bag.
I rummaged through it her phone and several books in the way. I take out her phone and put it on the table including some of the books.

"Dammit, where is it?"
I wondered as I continued to dig through her belongings when finally I found it at the bottom of her bag. I swiftly took it out and slipped it into my shopping bag full of candies.

I didn't have much time left till she would be back. I stuffed her books back into her bag when suddenly her phone rang with messages.

"SHIT! DOn't TeLl mE-"
I  thought as I quickly put her bag on her seat leaving her phone on the table to quickly check her notifications.

"Nene code red, code red!
Our suspicions were right!!!"
Reading the message made a cold shudder creep down my spine.
Someone was indeed watching me I realized making me look around cautiously but there was no one suspicious.

The shop was filled with elderly people and no teenagers. It was highly unlikely that a message such as that came from any of them.

"Is this a trap? But when did she catch suspicion?"
I continued to wonder

Suddenly the phone started ringing again
"Ahh! I totally forgot. I am banned from this café they won't let me in!

Why are you not responding? You didn't leave your phone did you?"
I read and my brain finally clicked. It was too late, even if I were to put her diary back whoever was observing us knew already.

I had secured her diary so next, I should go after whoever was spying on our date. I'll just take her phone with me so she can't get in contact with the person.

I sat up from my place after being enough of a gentleman to put money on my table to pay for my drink. From the messages, it was safe to say that the spy was outside the café so I made my way out of the front door.

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