Chapter One

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Hi Readers:
I know that the past few days have been quite interesting. Having 2 previous Second Chances story start just as quick as they ended. And I know, that might be quite frustrating to you guys. And I get that, but I am really hoping that you understand that I am just trying to write this story to the best of my abilities for you guys. And, in my opinion, this is how I need to format my story for it to be the best for you guys to read both in terms of readability and the flow of the story. Thanks again for reading, and I promise that you are going to love this part of the story that I am writing for you guys. Please enjoy and let me know what you guys think. I truly want to hear what you think, and whether you have problems with my formatting of the story. I hope to make it better as I go. Now, let's get to the story that I want to write for you guys.

Chapter One: The Biggest of Curveballs
Sharing the News (at a New Year's Eve Party)

New Year's Eve 2019 – The wife was a pack of nerves as she found herself standing at her charity's New Year's Eve party; having finally caved into all of her friend's requests for her to bring Matt around so that they can meet the man whom Gabby loves more than anything in the entire world. But, she understood why they wanted her to do that; after having spoken of him constantly for the past 7 months, they have wanted to meet the man whom has just recently uprooted his entire life to move here to be with his wife as they all found it very romantic, especially considering how proud he looks as he proudly wrapped his arm tightly around her waist. The waist that was being hugged by the tightest, and sexiest, of dresses (in her husband's opinion). Turning his head to look at his wife, Matt Casey smiled due to the fact that he was in awe of the woman he had here with him tonight. Just them being together makes him very happy, as it means that they are still married; and that is all Matt wants for the rest of his life, to be married to this beautiful woman whom he has on his arm for the rest of his life. And thankfully, that's his plan. But there was one part of that plan he didn't yet know about.

It was something that he hasn't yet planned for, and he has yet to plan for it as Gabby is still keeping the news that she has for her husband a secret from him. And it pained her to keep it from him, as she knows that the secret she is keeping from him is his biggest dream in life; yet, at the same time, she is worried about the reaction that she's going to get from him. This, of course, being due to the fact that they had a very big fight about it before she left to go to Puerto Rico alone in May. But, as far as her husband knew, she was her normal self; and she had the biggest smile on her face that he thinks he's seen in a while. But the truth of the matter was, she was nervous, and she was scared of the news that she just learned about yesterday. The news that could very much mean, that this New Year's Eve could be the last New Year's Eve that she gets to celebrate with the love of her life. And that was why she was so tense as she cuddled up to her husband this evening; that was, until she heard Pearl (the head of fundraising for the charity) walk over to her and Matt this evening to talk to them.

"Well, whom do you have here on your arm tonight Gabby? We've had parties before, and I have never seen you with a date. Let me guess, you finally got that divorce that you said you were waiting for before you tried to go on a date?" Turning his head, Matt snickered a bit when he heard his wife's friend ask him that; quite happy that they didn't get a divorce. After all, Gabby is the love of his life; and she will always be his one and only, the only woman that he can see himself being married to (and having a child with). "Actually Pearl, this is my husband Matthew Casey. It's why I've been a bit MIA since early December." Pearl then turned her head and looked at Matt when he heard Gabby said that. "Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Matt. I think I heard something about you being a contractor?" Matt nodded when Pearl mentioned that he's a contractor. "Yes, I am actually. I am a certified contractor in the City of Chicago. I actually ran my own business." Matt then smiled as he turned to look at his wife. "Matt Casey Construction." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that.

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