Chapter Eleven: You Fell Asleep

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Hi Readers:
As you all know, I warned you ahead of time that there will be less updates today than there are normally; and it turns out that's going to be the case, as I am just getting to write my second chapter of the day. I hope to always post more, then I get distracted and think about other things; things that I should not concentrate on when I should rather concentrate on my story. So, for that...I apologize. But now, I am going to go back to writing and give you as much as I can.

About a comment I received recently: I know that I repeat a lot, but that's just how I write. I forget sometimes what I write, so I feel like I need to just mention it again. Plus, you never know, the repetition might be my way to lead to a new storyline that I'm starting to write for you guys. So, before you guys complain that I'm repeating a lot; how about you let me be the author and write the story the way that I believe it needs to be written. Please, continue to enjoy the story though.


As she looked around their room shortly after waking up from a nap, Gabby Casey was confused as to why she was just waking up from a nap when she remembers waking up earlier; waking up and having a delicious breakfast with her loving husband, Oh, and she also went to the hospital to make sure that their baby was IUP, seeing the doctor. Heck, the last thing that she remembers was that they were talking about a doctor; she doesn't remember falling asleep, or why she would even fall asleep when she didn't feel tired. Yet, she is waking up from a nap; and that was just confirmed by what she heard her loving husband just tell her as he stroked her back with his thumb. "You have a good nap?" Looking up at Matt, Gabby just seemed lost. "You fell asleep, but that's okay. Remember what I said baby. If you're tired, then you should fall asleep in my arms; please, don't feel bad that you just took a nap in my arms babe." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that.

"I guess I was so comfortable, I felt like I had no other choice but to fall asleep." Matt snickered a bit when he heard his wife tell him that, gently running his fingertips up and down her back as they hold each other close. And let's just say that made Gabby feel really happy. It just makes her feel so loved by her husband, whom she knows has nothing but love for her right now. And the truth is that, she always feels happy whenever she's in Matt's arms; and she also feels very comfortable whenever she's in Matt's arms. There's just something about using your husband as a pillow that makes you feel very comfortable in bed. And she's pretty sure that Matt loves the feeling of her sleeping on his chest too, as it means that he gets to feel her topless body pressing itself against hers; and that was always something that was very sexy for her husband. To feel that intimate feeling of her body pressed against his. And she knows that will always be the case, as she loves him.

And speaking of loving things, another thing she loves is the feeling of her husband's soft finger tips on her back; there's just something about the way he runs them up and down her body that really makes her smile. They are just so comforting, and it makes her happy that he's running his fingers up and down her back right now. She just hopes that she doesn't have to give up this feeling anytime soon. If she has it her way, then she's going to have this feeling for a couple days. And Matt already knew that. He has no plans to leave bed for a while as he continued to run his fingers up and down her back, smiling at his beautiful wife as he kissed her forehead softly. "Christie sends her love and says congratulations." Turning her head, Gabby looked up at him. "Christie..." Matt then went to remind her, them not really talking about his sister much. "My sister. She knows about everything, and that I'm down here now. She says that she reserves the guest room in March."

Gabby was confused when she heard her husband say 'March'. "Why March?" Matt smiled as he wrapped his arm around her lower back and then kissed her forehead softly. "Violet's spring break. She's been having stress with Jim again, she just got primary custody because he stopped paying child support again; and he's not happy about it." Gabby laughed. "I understand." Matt looked down at his wife when she said that, not too happy about the fact that she is on his ex-brother-in-law's side. "Excuse me, but last time I checked...your allegiance is to your current in-laws, not your ex-in-laws." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, smiling. She then felt him run his hand up and down her back again, him also turning his head to kiss her forehead softly. "But still, I understand having your child taken away from you." Matt sighed when Gabby said that, agreeing with her. "Gabby, can we talk about that. We've been avoiding it since we moved here."

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