Chapter Twenty-Five: You Want as Many Kids as Herrmann?

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Hi Readers:
I'm not going to waste time when it comes to adding completely long notes at the top of chapters today, but I do want to just remind you of something that I mentioned at the start of the last chapter. The chapters that I'm posting for you guys today may be shorter than normal, but that's a strategic decision that I made so that I can split up the topics that Matt and Gabby are going to talk about. It just makes it easier for you guys, and I believe that you guys will enjoy it more. Thanks.

"Maybe we go for 5 kids?" That was the question that was now hanging over the couple as they both held each other while they were laying down in bed together. God, the idea of them having 5 kids; one of them (hopefully) being a girl. But, this is something that they can think about now, as they are just dealing with hypothetical questions rather than reality. Gabby is not currently pregnant with Quintuplets; rather, she's pregnant with twins. And that's good for the both of them now. However, when Matt said that (maybe) they go for 5 kids if they have 2 sets of twin boys; Gabby was a bit shocked when she heard him say that. But there was a reason for that. And that was due to the fact that she was thinking of another one of their friends who currently have 5 kids, Herrmann. I mean, Cindy's able to take care of 5 kids with ease (she thinks). Yet, does Gabby really want to think about them going for 5 kids. Taking a breath, Gabby decided to humor Matt's question.

"You want to have the same amount of kids as Herrmann?" When Matt heard Gabby mention the fact that, if they went ahead and tried to have 5 kids, that they would have the same amount of kids as Herrmann; that did scare him a bit. He then took a breath and just looked at Gabby when she asked him that, not sure whether or not she's in favor of that possibility based on the answer to his question that she just gave him. In fact, he was starting to get worried. "You know what, let's get off of this topic." Gabby then stopped that. "Oh no, you're not doing that to me. You brought up this topic, so we're going to talk about it Matt. Don't you dare think that you can just get off it easy. Today, we're in bed, and we're talking. And since we're talking, if a topic comes up...and if one of us are interested in talking about it, then we are going to talk about it. Deal?" Matt snickered and agreed with Gabby when she said that. "Or I go put some sweats on..."

Matt then proceeded to stop his wife from finishing his sentence by leaning in, and kissing her softly. "You will do no such thing. I love this lingerie that you're wearing; so, you're going to stay right here and we're going to hold each other in this." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, smiling as she leaned in and kissed the man she loves more than anything. "Deal. Now, let's get back to what we were talking about. How you want to go for 5 kids?" Matt took a breath when Gabby asked him that. "I'm not sure anymore. I mean, if you asked me that in Chicago; then my answer would be no right away." Gabby laughed and smiled when she heard Matt say that. "Really?" Matt nodded. "Kids are expensive, and they would be even more expensive in Chicago. And I just have this feeling that we're going to have kids pretty close to each other." Gabby agreed with Matt. "Especially when this is everything that we've ever wanted in life for years." Matt agreed with Gabby.

"I guess, I'm just worried when it comes to how many kids that we're going to want to have. We need to think about this. We want to have a lot of kids, but we also need to remember that means that we need to think about work; and whether we can really do that based on the amount of money that we're going to be bringing in by just doing charity work." Gabby took a breath when she heard Matt say that, well aware of the fact that money will always be a factor when it comes to how many kids they have, along with how many times she gets pregnant. "While also remembering that I'm never getting an abortion. Even if it comes down to financials, my morals are still going to come before financial considerations; right baby?" Matt nodded when his wife asked him whether her morals are going to be put into consideration when it comes to whether they have more kids. "Hey, of course baby. I am not going to force you to do something you don't want to."

Hearing Matt tell her that, Gabby took a breath as she realized something. "Yet, that's the exact thing that I've been doing for a while now. I made you come down here, and then I made you go ahead with this pregnancy at first." Matt just looked at the woman he loves when Gabby told him that. "Hey, don't even think that way baby. I mean it when I say that. Don't you dare think that I'm even thinking that way right now. Baby, I'm not even thinking that way. Sure, were you the one who originally brought up the idea of us getting pregnant? Yeah, you were. But now, we're pregnant together and that's all that matters." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, moving close to him once again. Afterwards, she slipped her arm under his head and then leaned in to kiss him softly. Just taking things slow with her man, Gabby smiled as she loves him.

"I love you." Matt agreed with Gabby when she told him that she loves him. "I love you too Gabby, and that's always going to be a fact that you can be sure of." Gabby nodded and smiled when she heard him tell her that, really happy that was the case. And god, he is such a great husband. She's so glad that she's nabbed him when she did. "So, we're still going to do this. All the kids?" Matt agreed with Gabby when she asked him whether they're going to go ahead with having all the kids that they've dreamed of having. "Hey, of course we are baby. You're the woman of my dreams, and there's nobody that I would rather have kids with." Gabby smiled and agreed with her loving husband when he told her that. "Such a good liar." Matt looked at her when she accused him of lying. "Who said that I was lying when it came to that baby? I mean it." Gabby nodded and agreed with Gabby when he told her that he means it. "I know you do baby. I'm just kidding with you."

Matt nodded and just smirked as he stared into his gorgeous wife's eyes, really glad that this is what they're doing right now. He then decided to bring her close to him. "Come here you." Gabby nodded when Matt said that, proceeding to move right against his chest some more to that they could share a really nice kiss. She then went ahead and wrapped her arms around his neck. Smiling as he moved his hand to Gabby's back, Matt smirked due to the fact that he really loved the fact that they are currently in the midst of kissing each other nice and slowly; as this is exactly what the couple want to be doing at the moment. They want to take things nice and slow with each other, with nobody disturbing them. Moving his hand to Gabby's leg, Matt just smirked as he ran his fingertips up and down her leg as a way to tease her ring now. "How are you feeling night now?" Gabby smiled when Matt asked her how she's feeling right now. "I feel really good." Matt agreed.

"Good, because that's exactly what I want to hear from you right now." Gabby laughed and just agreed with Matt when he told her that, well aware of the fact that there's nothing more that he wants to hear from her other than the fact that she's feeling good. "And I'm glad that you're opening up to me more baby, I'm happy that we both are. I still hate the fact that we weren't talking as much when I was still in Chicago." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, clearly able to see that there was something bothering her. "Baby, is there something bothering you right now?" Gabby took a breath and just sighed when Matt asked her that. "I'm still haunted by the fact that I almost ruined us." Matt then went ahead and grabbed his wife's hand. "Hey, you weren't completely responsible for that almost happening baby. I was just as responsible for that almost happening. We both had that fight, it wasn't just you baby." Gabby agreed with Matt when she heard him say that.

She then let out a sigh, well aware of the fact that he wasn't going to let her, under any circumstance, blame herself entirely for that happened in between the both of them. If anything, he's going to take some of the blame as well. So, she's just going to take it easy and make sure that she understands, and just listens to him when he talks to her. That's what he needs to do after all so that they can make sure that they're okay. She then went ahead and kissed him again. Afterwards, she felt Matt wrap his arm around her back and just take things nice and slow with her. "I love you." Gabby agreed with the man she loves when he told her that he loves her, and she just knew based on how he was talking to her that it was the god's honest truth. And god, she really loved the way he was talking to her about it. She then decided to cuddle up to her man more. "So, do you think we're having boys?" Matt laughed. "You bring that up now?" Gabby agreed.

Meanwhile, Matt put his hand on her side. "Would you be okay with us starting with boys?" Gabby nodded. "The truth is, I'm starting to rethink how many kids I want." Matt agreed with Gabby. "How many do you want now?" Gabby smiled. "I was thinking maybe 6. Three sets of twins. 4 boys, 2 girls?" Matt was a bit shocked when he heard Gabby say that she wants 6 kids, but it also seems appealing to him based solely on the fact that it meant that he was going to have both sons and daughters. "Wow, that would be different." Gabby nodded. "Andrew and Noah, Gabriel and Matteo, Emily, and Sofia." Matt smiled when he heard all of the names that Gabby just laid out for them; starting to really think about that being their much so, that he actually had a day dream about it.

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