Dream Chapter Seven

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Well, that was quite a turn at the end of the chapter. What did you guys think of that twist at the end of the chapter? Well, if you liked it; you can let me know in the comments below. Just remember that this is a dream chapter, therefore things can change as these are not chapters that establish permanent facts. A lot of things can change based on the story. Thanks again for reading, and now I am going to continue with the second of my dream chapters. Hope you enjoy part two.

Dream Chapter Seven: New Year's Eve 2021
Part Two: Spending New Year's Eve Alone as a Couple

The beach day as a family went great, with the couple, their friends and Matteo all having a blast at the beach. But it wasn't all positive due to the fact that Gabby has been feeling a bit guilty ever since she heard the news of Brett's death at the beach. For all these months, she has still been harboring bad feelings for a woman who died this year of COVID-19; something that nobody cared to share with her. And that made her feel like a horrible person. What person continues to harbor bad feelings for a deceased woman, who must've died a horrible death. And that was why Gabby was not in the midst of getting ready to hang out with her friends. Rather, she didn't even know if she wanted to hang out with them right now; there was just a lot on her mind right now, and she needs to think about just what's happening in her mind right now. She needs to think about all of this and just digest the news, hopefully with her husband's help (whom still doesn't even know what she's thinking about). She's been trying to keep to herself as she doesn't want to stop him from going.

Going downstairs to be with their friends who travelled all the way here from Chicago, where she should be. Well, she thought she should be. But the truth was, that her friends aren't downstairs right now. Rather, they are out at a bar in Puerto Rico having a dinner, which means that she and her husband are going to be alone for a bit. And the truth was, that was exactly what Gabby needed right now; she needed to talk to her husband about how she's feeling. The guilt that she's feeling for still harboring all of these bad feelings for Brett when she died. And that makes her feel like a horrible person, which is something that she doesn't want to feel. Yet, she does; well, for now. Walking out of the washroom after taking a post-beach day shower, her boxer-clad husband flashed her a smile as a way to try and make her feel better; and she saw it out of the corner of her eye, however that didn't mean that it made her feel all that better. It just distracted her a bit.

Looking at the woman he loves while carrying his towel, Matt was confused. "You okay baby?" Gabby took a breath as she looked up at her husband and just looked into his eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay." Matt then looked at her in a way that told her that he didn't believe a word that she was telling him right now. Rather, he knew that she was selling him a load of bull; and they both knew it. Gabby wasn't okay right now, but she just didn't want to say that out loud; as that would mean that Matt would make it a big deal, which is what he's going to regardless now as she isn't talking to him. Rather, she's keeping it in and that was not part of their deal when he moved here. Rather, their deal was that they would be open with each other; and that they would talk to each other when there was something that was bothering either of them. And right now, that was exactly what Gabby should be doing for Matt. But rather, she's lying to him (and to herself frankly) over the fact that she's okay; when the reality is that she clearly isn't okay. Taking a breath, Matt looked at his beautiful wife tonight.

"Okay, I'm going to ask you this question again; and I expect an honest answer this time Gabby." Gabby snickered a bit when she heard Matt say that. "Am I really that much of an open book?" Matt agreed with his wife when she asked him if she was (that much of) an open book. "Yeah, I've been able to read you better ever since we came here." Gabby agreed with her husband when he told her that, taking a breath as they both know what she wanted him to do. "Can you come here? Maybe we can sit in bed for a bit and talk?" Matt nodded. "I already talk to Kelly and asked him if he and Stella could go out for a while. That way, I could talk to you and make sure that you're okay." Gabby was shocked when she heard Matt say that. "You did what now?" Matt smiled at his beautiful wife when she asked him if she really did that. "Yeah, I already knew that we were going to end up talking at some point. Plus, Kelly wanted to go to a restaurant for some reason."

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