Chapter Twenty-Two: It's Just Me Baby

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What did you guys think of that nice conversation that Antonio had with his mom last chapter? Let me know what you guys think in the comments, as I would really appreciate what you guys thought of it; and whether you want to see more conversations like that between Antonio and his mom. Also, another thing that I want to know is; whether you want me to add in a girlfriend for Antonio and have them be a secondary couple? Or do you want me to bring in another couple and find a way for me to move them to Puerto Rico? Let me know in the comments, and I'll see if I can do it for you. But for now, here's Chapter 22 of Second Chances: Life in Paradise.

He ended up having to get undressed in the bathroom this morning so that he didn't wake Gabby up; after all, he wants her to get as much sleep as he can through out her pregnancy. Well, that, and he decided to take a shower this morning so that he smelt good for her. But now, he was done in the shower; and he was on his way to bed with her. At least, he was until he got a text message on his phone. Going to grab his phone, he saw that it was a text message from Antonio. 'Breakfast will be in the microwave when you want to eat.' Matt agreed with his brother-in-law when he said that, glad that he and his mother-in-law agreed to make both him and Gabby some breakfast; breakfast that he knew his beautiful wife would appreciate as she always loved her mom's breakfast. So, he wanted to make sure to text his brother-in-law back. 'Tell your mom thanks for me. Now, Gabby's still asleep. I'm going to join her in bed. Let yourselves out quietly please?'

Just standing in the washroom for a moment, Matt waited for Antonio to answer; and he did answer quite promptly as he must've known that he wants to get in bed with Gabby. 'Of course. Just take it easy today and make sure that you and Gabby talk, love you guys. -Toni' Matt smiled when he saw that last text that he got from his brother-in-law, deciding to leave their conversation there as there was nothing more that he really wanted to say to him. Rather, he just wants to get out to bed and hold his wife in his arms. He wants to just try and get back in his wife's good graces right now. And the truly hopes that he can do just that today. He's sure that they'll figure it out. But that was not what he was concentrating on right now. Rather, he was concentrating on getting in bed with the woman of his dreams. The woman he wants to climb into bed with right now. After all, she is very beautiful; and he's so glad that they are husband and wife. This is just perfect.

He just hopes that he doesn't want her up when he climbs into bed with her, as he wants to make sure that she stays asleep. Wait, he already said that; but now, we need to relax and just take a breath as he looks at the woman he loves. The woman he wants to make sure he has a good relationship with for the sake of their twins. The twins that he's certain are boys. There's just something about how she's acting, that makes him want to believe that they are having boys. But that's a conversation for another day. Right now, he wants to climb in bed with the woman of his dreams. The woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, and the future mother of his children. Now, that is something that he still can't believe is the reality. That she's the future mother of his children. But now, it's time for him to climb into bed and slip into bed as quietly as possible. Opening the covers, Matt proceeded to sit on the edge of the bed this morning.

Taking a breath, Matt wiped his eyes as he got ready to get in bed this morning. However, what he didn't expect was that simple action would cause his wife to worry. "Who's there? Mom, that you? God, please tell me you called Matt. Oh god, did he leave?" Turning to face his wife, Matt was shocked when he heard that; really worried now. He then decided to get up and looked down at his wife. Walking around his and Gabby's bed, he wanted to sit down next to her so that he could make her feel okay. Just making his way around the bed, Matt wanted to make sure that Gabby was okay. Looking at his wife, Matt smiled as he proceeded to bend down and turned on her lamp this morning. Seeing her husband for the first time today, Gabby smiled as she was happy that he was home. Afterwards, Matt proceeded to sit down on the bed.

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