Dream Chapter Twenty-Six: Six Kids and a New Opportunity Later

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Hi Readers:
I just want to address something about the last chapter. I am well aware of the fact that it was much shorter than my usual chapter, however I made that as a creative decision; a decision that I may try and rectify in the future. However, it's something that I'm going to repair in this chapter, as this chapter will be quite long. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks.

Chicago – November 27, 2024
Never in a million years did Matt believe that Matt Casey would be back here, in Chicago, with his wife and kids for such a meeting. But he felt like he had to take it for some reason, especially when they were already in town to visit Chief Boden. The reason they are specifically here to visit chief Boden (along with their kids Andy and Noah, age 5, Gabriel and Matteo, age 2; and Emily and Sofia, age 1 month) was due to the fact that he just suffered a heart attack. A heart attack that had him in the hospital, and made him and Gabby make an urgent request to her doctor to clear her for travel (along with their 6 kids) to come see him in case it was the end of his life. But it didn't seem that was the case, as Boden seemed to be in good spirits 3 weeks after his heart attack. So, he's happy to be here. And it's just nice to see his kids all playing with their "papa Boden" in his hospital room. And it's making him smile more than anything. So, that was something the father loved.

However, there was another thing that was currently on his mind at the moment; the conversation that he was currently having with some of the brass at the CFD. Sitting in the hallway just outside of his former Chief's hospital room; Matt Casey took a breath as he listened to Commissioner Grissom and District Chief Walker speaking to him about this opportunity that he has. Taking a breath as he sat there with him, he just took a breath. "Commissioner Grissom, Chief Walker. I'm just surprised with all of this. I mean, I haven't worked for you guys in 6 years. Actually, it's been pretty much exactly 6 years since I left the CFD so that I could go be with my wife in Puerto Rico; and we aren't even planning on staying. We're just here for a bit, maybe until the New Year so that we can celebrate our kids' first white Christmas. Are you guys really sure that this is what you guys are really thinking of doing? I mean, what about Kelly? He's been a Captain since 2020."

Grissom sighed. "I know, I was thinking the same thing; and I spoke to my team about the idea of promoting him. But, we thought about it and decided that it wasn't the best of ideas based on the fact that the entire CFD knows about my pre-existing relationship with him; a relationship that you can pretty much classify as semi-family. So, it just wasn't the best of ideas due to the fact that it's a conflict of interest." Chief Walker agreed with the commissioner when he said that. "Casey, I've been watching what you're doing in Puerto Rico. And I heard that you've gone back to a fire department there?" Matt took a breath. "Chief Walker, respectfully...you have no idea what you're talking about." Walker was a bit taken aback when he heard Casey say that. "Do you mind explaining?" Matt took a breath and just looked at Chief Walker, wanting to respect him right now. But, at the same time...he does need to make sure he takes it easy with him as he may be his boss.

"The thing is, I'm not in the same type of business that Chief Boden is in. I'm not in the fire part of the fire department. The fire department in San Juan is much different than what it looks like in Chicago. It's much smaller, and the part that I work with has nothing to do with fire. I haven't put out, or even been near a fire in 6 years since my house went up in flames. Since then, I have been doing search and rescue on a volunteer basis; or recently, as a full-time job as I need the money. And even when I am not in search and rescue, I have been working in the fire marshal's office rather than in houses so that I can stay safe. After all, I do have a wife and six kids. That's something that I cherish more. Yes, has this offer been my dream for the longest time? Of course it has. But that's just not where my life is now. It's on a different course now as I have kids."

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