Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hello Readers:
I am so sorry about starting with my writing so late today, but I got caught up watching Harry and Meghan's Netflix Documentary that they just released recently; it was quite interesting and I highly recommend watching it as it will give you a lot of background on what really happened with the entire "Megxit" dilemma and everything else that's happened since they left the royal family in 2020 right before COVID-19 hit the world. Now, enough about that; as that's not the reason why I am writing right now. Rather, I'm writing as you want some more chapters for our story that we're all enjoying. So, how about we get on with it then? Here we go, with Chapter Twenty-Nine of Second Chances: Life in Paradise.

"What's this about Lola being 6 weeks pregnant?" That was the question on both Matt and Gabby's mind as they spoke to Antonio this afternoon, ready to talk to him about the fact that they might be getting a fourth (Eva, Diego, Violet, Baby D) this year; along with them also having their parents' third and fourth grandchildren, especially at her brother's age. The age difference between the wife, and her brother almost being a good decade apart; and the age difference between the siblings (if Lola is pregnant), would be at least 15 years between the birth of Diego (Antonio's current youngest child) and his new youngest child, the child that he may be having, with his girlfriend Lola Fuentes. That's when Antonio started to answer the question that his sister just asked him this afternoon. "Where did you hear that rumour?" Matt laughed. "That would be from your daughter, so I don't really think you can call it a rumour since it's coming from your daughter."

Antonio sighed when her head Matt say that Eva, his daughter, was the one who told them that his girlfriend, Lola Fuentes, is pregnant with his third child. "When did you guys talk to her?" Gabby shook her head. "Just now. Now, stop deflecting Toni! Or else, I will call mom, or even Lola and ask her myself! Is Lola pregnant or not!" Antonio sighed. "Yes and no." Matt was just confused when he heard Antonio say that his girlfriend is both pregnant, but not pregnant at the same time; how that's possible, he has no clue. Taking a breath, Matt got close to Gabby so that he can talk to his brother-in-law about just what the heck he means by that. "Ok Antonio, you aren't making any sense. How can she be pregnant, yet not be pregnant." Antonio laughed. "Ok. So yes, she's pregnant..." Gabby then went to smile...until Antonio finished. "..with her best friend's baby." Gabby was confused when she heard her brother say that, starting to realize what he was saying.

"Wait, she's a surrogate?" Antonio agreed. "Her best friend had Cancer a few years back, and they started trying IVF two years ago. They wanted to try one last time, but they didn't want to get her pregnant; so, they were trying to find a surrogate at the time...and Lola volunteered. So to answer your direct question, yes. Lola is currently pregnant, but not with my child." Matt agreed with Antonio when he said that. "Well, that's very selfless of the both of you." Turning her head, Gabby looked at her husband when he said that. "How is Antonio selfless in the matter?" Matt then smirked as he put his hand on his wife's stomach. "Last time I checked, men can be just as hormonal as their wives when they are pregnant. However, since the baby isn't Antonio's child...he needs to be much more careful when it comes to the baby." Gabby then put her hand on Matt's hand and smiled when he said that, as that was definitely the truth. "Such a smart man."

Matt smiled as he leaned in and proceeded to kiss her softly, trying to get her to lay down. And luckily, she did just that. Gabby decided to lay down in bed so that they could cuddle up to each other and old each other close, just like they both wanted to do. After all, they are always very comfortable when they are in each other's arms; Gabby being the most comfortable when she's in her husband's arms due to the fact that it makes her feel safe. It makes her feel loved, and wanted by the man of her dreams (not that him not wanting her was ever a question). Matt has loved her for over 5 years now, and they have always found a way to be together; and that's exactly what they're going to be for the rest of their lives. And that's something special that he's very happy about. And even better, they're also going to have kids together. Two right now, and many more in the future. Gabby can just see it, they are not just going to have two children together.

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