Chapter Ten: Pregnancy Plans - Part Two

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Hi Readers:
I wanted to let you all know that today, there will not be as many updates as normal as I had a meeting earlier today; also, I am starting to write late due to the fact that I got distracted for a while a bit. Now, I am hoping to get out as many chapters as I can; but there is a high chance that it will not be as many as I normally write for you guys. Still, I should be able to get out quite a few chapters. Now, if you guys have any ideas for me; feel free to send them to me ASAP as I would love to have a roadmap for where you guys want me to take this story, and it might give me more ideas for where I want to take this story myself. After all, this is a community; and we need to support each other in our writing of Chicago Fire/Dawsey Fanfiction! Thanks again, and I hope to hear from you guys on what you think of my chapters. Now, here's chapter 10!

"So, the question up for debate is...should we call your brother, tell him that you're pregnant, that the baby's viable, and that we want him to join us in Puerto Rico rather than stay in the Bahamas just in case?" -Matthew Casey

Taking a breath as her husband asked her whether they should call her brother, and then invite him to join them in Puerto Rico; Gabriela Casey took a breath due to the fact that she knew it was a serious question; anyways, there isn't anybody (other than her mom) that she would rather have by her side as she goes through this pregnancy. Well, other than Matt of course; she would always want her husband to be by her side as they go through this pregnancy together. But that's beside the point. We aren't talking about her husband right now; rather, they're talking about her brother Antonio, and whether they want to invite him to come here and join them to help them through the pregnancy. And that was a topic that had a lot of questions that would have to be answered. I mean, could Matt even deal with her brother right now?

I mean, his (Antonio's) sister is pregnant with a baby that could literally kill her if she there's too much stress but on her body; and that could make her aneurysm burst and kill both her, as well as their unborn child. The child that both Gabby and Matt have always wanted. And the truth was, the couple had no idea as to where their hearts (or minds) were leaning at the moment as Antonio coming here could both be a good thing (as it would allow Matt to have someone other than his wife to lean on during this time) or, it could be a bad thing (as it may cause unwanted tension in between the brothers-in-law); and therefore, it might do more harm than good, as it would mean that Gabby would be caught in the middle of her brother (whom has always supported her), and the man the she loves (who is also the father of their child).

So, when Matt and Gabby say that they really need to consider all of the possible outcomes of asking Antonio to come join them in Puerto Rico (rather than staying in the Bahamas); they really mean that, as him coming to join them might not be the best of ideas at times. Or it could be the best idea that the couple have ever had, as it would help them more than they ever expected. And that was the reason for the continued moments of silence in between the couple, the moments that they are spending thinking of what they are going to say to one another on the topic of them asking her brother (Antonio) to come be with them during her pregnancy; and Gabby could tell that there was more reasons than one that Matt was being quiet right now, not just because he was torn as to the idea of whether or not to invite his brother-in-law here.

"You're tourn over the question, aren't you baby?" Matt took a breath when Gabby asked him if he was torn because he was. Yet, he didn't want her to think that he wasn't going to support her if she wanted to ask her brother to join her. "I guess...I am just thinking about how much tension I want to create by my answer." Gabby was confused when her husband said that his answer might create tension in between the both of them. "How would your answer create tension in between us?" Matt took a breath when his wife asked him why (his answer) could create tension in between the both of them. And the truth was, it was due to the fact that him saying no could make her mad. "Well, if I say no...and the reason why; you might be mad. Or, if I say yes...and limitations; I could make you mad too." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that.

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