Chapter Eight

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Hello Readers:
I hope you all enjoyed the dream chapters that I just wrote for you guys. Please, give me some feedback on those chapters; and let me know if you want to see more chapters like that (you will regardless). Maybe those chapters can give you ideas as to just where this story can go. What do you think about that? Let me know whether you want the story to go in that direction, or if you want me to do something different. Thanks again readers! Now, onto Chapter 8; a very good chapter!

Chapter Eight: New Year's Day 2019
Happy New Year Baby (it Really is a Baby)

He had this feeling that she would be up early today rather than in bed, her mind probably running a million miles a minute as they both were curious as to whether or not her pregnancy was IUP or not. Whether there was a real baby, or if it was just another abdominal pregnancy. He just wishes that she would've woken him up to speak about it. Rather, she was making him walk around the house clad in nothing but his boxers; well, maybe that's the point and what she wanted to see this morning as he came out to see her. However, he just hasn't been able to find her yet. Checking the time, he saw that it was 10:30; so, she had to be somewhere. She had to be around here somewhere, wide awake if he was awake already. He just had to keep looking. He had to keep searching for his wife as he walked around their home this morning, after brewing a bit of coffee this morning. That was, until he heard the front door to their home open; and that made him worried.

There were only 3 people in this world who had keys to their home. Him, Gabby, and Antonio for emergencies (even though he was in the Bahamas). So, since he knew that Antonio was still in the Bahamas (he texted them from there the night before), he was worried. He didn't know who it could be, so he decided to get in the kitchen and find something. He just didn't know what to grab. A knife is probably the best bet. Going to (quietly) walk over to the block of knives that they have in their home, Matt proceeded to grab the bread knife as it was probably the best bet to save himself (and Gabby wherever she is). He then proceeded to hide there so that he couldn't be see, so that he could see who was coming in; but they wouldn't be able to see him there, as he was hiding so that he could protect him and his wife. The wife that, even though he couldn't find her right now, was someone that he would always protect (and risk his own life to protect); even in boxers.

Hearing someone walking very quietly, he just knew that meant that it was an intruder in his house; he knew it, and he was going to warn them; and he decided to embellish what he had as a weapon. "I have a gun, and I'm not afraid to use it. So, if you're here to steal...then get the fuck out of my house before I use it." That's when Matt heard a voice. "Baby, if you shoot me, you're going to have a very bad encounter with my brother in a couple hours; and we'll be getting a divorce FOR REAL this time Matthew!" Seeing Gabby walk around the corner, Matt got nervous; very nervous. Looking her husband up and down, Gabby smirked as he was just wearing those tight boxers that she loved; and he was also not holding a gun, rather he was holding a knife. "Oh, you were just embellishing the story." Matt then let out a sigh of relief, relieved that she was the one who just came into their home. He then decided to set the knife down, not wanting to yield it in front of his wife.

"Fuck Gabby, you nearly gave me a heart attack." Gabby laughed and agreed with him when he said that, setting her purse down on the counter. Afterwards, she made her way over to her hunky, boxer clad husband so that we can kiss him this morning. Walking right up to him, Gabby smiled as she watched him close the drawer and then walk over to her as well. Wrapping his arms around his wife as soon as they were close to one another, Matt smirked as he looked down at Gabby. "God, you really scared me; where were you baby? I mean, if you went for a least send me a text." Gabby smiled when her husband asked her that, looking up into his eyes before stepping close to him. She then ran her hands up his back while feeling him put his hand on her neck. Bending down, Matt proceeded to kiss the woman of his dreams slowly. The woman he definitely needs to apologize to for almost killing her with a knife. "God, I am so sorry baby. I mean that."

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