Chapter Thirty-Two: Welcome Home

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Well, that came out of the blue. What do you guys think of this turn of events that just happened in the last chapter? Well, you better expect some more turns of events as we go back to Chicago for a while. Who knows how long that might be? (Could it be permanent?) Well, we'll just have to see; now won't we? Now, let's see everybody once again (and tell them).

Chapter Thirty-Two
Welcome Home

Chicago– Monday, February 11, 2019 (4 am)
They caught the first available flight from San Juan to O'Hare, which just so happened to be very late at night. But that didn't matter to the both of them. Rather, all that mattered was that they were here, back in Chicago for Severide. Well, for Matt mostly as that was where he needed to be. He needed to be with his best friend, and his girlfriend so that they can be sure that they're okay. How long they're going to stay? They have no idea, but all he knew was that he was not going to be on a timeline. In fact, Gabby even resigned from her job because she wanted to be here for her husband. And he truly did appreciate that, as it meant a lot to him. And he was going to say it again. Holding his wife's hand as they rode in the back of a taxi from O'Hare to Gaffney Medical, Matt took a breath as he turned to look at her. "I already said thank you right?" Gabby then turned her head in return and smiled at the man of her dreams. "Hey, of course you did baby. I promise. I promise that you already said thank you to me. And I told you that it's no problem. I'm just glad that you let me fly."

Matt then took a breath when he heard Gabby say that, proceeding to put his hand on her stomach; the stomach where their twins were currently growing in side of her, as she was now 9 weeks pregnant. "People are going to hate the fact that we still haven't told them." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that people are going to be mad at the fact that nobody, other than their families, currently know that they're pregnant. That's when Matt heard his sister speak to him (as she picked them up early this morning), which is something he really appreciates. "Still not the biggest fan of me learning this late into the pregnancy." Matt sighed when he heard his sister say that. "I'm sorry sis, I really am. But the truth is, you aren't the only ones who don't know." Christie Casey was confused when she heard that. "Our friends don't know about us being pregnant with twins, so they're going to be completely shocked when we walk in there with a baby bump." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that. "I just hope that I don't have to run into said friend." Matt shook his head.

"Baby, she's already fired remember. She's not there anymore, and Boden promised me already that she's not going to be there." Gabby agreed with her loving husband when he said that, smiling at him. "Just to let you know, we can stay as long as we need to do baby; I'm not putting a limit on here. I didn't tell you this yet, but I resigned from the charity. So, we have all the time in the world to be here." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that and took a breath, going to grab her hand before intertwining their fingers. "Gabby, later. Right now, I need to know what's going on. Heck, I'm still trying to figure out whether Boden would let me be on Squad rather than truck." Gabby looked at her husband when he said that. "Matt, we just agreed...." Matt then agreed. "Right, I know. Sorry, I guess...I'm just jumping back into Captain mode." Gabby turned to look at her husband when he said that, clearly able to see that he's not really going to be able to not work while they're here. "Matt, let me think about it okay? I promise, I'll think about it." Christie was confused when she heard that.

"Think about what?" Gabby sighed. "Letting Matt cover a shift. I haven't been that open to him being a firefighter since he moved to Puerto Rico, so I'm not sure about here either." Christie agreed with Gabby when she said that. "Hey, at least he'd know the people he'd be working with here in Chicago; I mean, you guys both worked with them before, so you trust them." Gabby sighed. "A majority of them yet. Rumor has it that Sylvie's already back at 51 due to the shortage of paramedics. She's been stripped of her PIC title do." Matt agreed and sighed, not wanting to tell her about Sylvie as that wasn't what she needed. "Gabby, about that; the person that Kelly was trying to save was Sylvie." Gabby turned her head when she heard Matt say that, getting worried. "Kelly survived with major smoke inhalation, but Sylvie didn't. I just got the text from Cruz on the flight here. She was in critical before we got on the flight, wasn't expected to survive." Gabby sighed.

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