Chapter Two

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Hi Readers:
I hope you liked the first chapter of this new book that I'm starting for you guys. And I truly mean it when I say that I am sorry that I have a previous Second Chances. I just felt that, they didn't live up to the standards I have for my real story. I wanted to just have the good writing in a single story. Now, I want to remind readers that you should read those prequels prior to reading this story as it will set it up (somewhat). Thanks again for reading, now let's get back to the story.
Chapter Two: The Biggest of Curveballs
Digesting the News

Ever since the couple got home this evening, it's been as if Gabby has been trying to avoid her husband; and she was, as she was scared. Scared of the reaction that she was going to get about the news that she just shared at the party; well, more like dropped like a bomb on him. Heck, they have barely talked since they left the party due to the fact that the both of them had to really think about the news that Gabby just shared with her husband. And that was scaring Gabby the most, the possibilities of the thoughts that were going through her husband's head; and whether he was really going to support her through this. And that makes her feel a bit sad, her even questioning whether he's going to support her in the first place. It makes her feel like a bad wife. Matt loves her more than anything in the entire world, and she already knows that he's going to support her as they have spoken about it at length. She just didn't expect it to happen this fast, this soon.

I mean, after trying for so long after Bria left their home, they get pregnant basically on the first chance; what are the odds of that happening? And that was really what was on her mind at the moment, the fact that they did it on the first chance they got. It's crazy that's even the case, but that's just the reality now. She's pregnant and they are going to be having a child, as there is no way that she is going to get an abortion. She's been blessed with this pregnancy after all this time, and now she wants to carry the baby for the man she loves; yet, at the same time, she also wants to survive. And that definitely scares her the most. The idea of not surviving, and her having to leave both her child and her husband to fend in the world without her. And that was really scary, especially since it was no longer just a hypothetical; it was really an option. Just taking a breath as she put her hand on her stomach, Gabby just waited for Matt to come join her in the washroom.

Yes, you heard that right, in the washroom. Before the two of them get in bed, they have decided to continue with the promise that they made each other back home; they are going to take a bath every night to relax after a long day. And lucky for the both of them, they have a large bath in the primary suite of their home. That was actually a huge surprise for Matt. He never expected the home that Gabby lived in (when she's in San Juan) to be this big. It's almost a mansion and it's perfect. He can really see them having a great life here, and that's music to Gabby's ears as it's all she wants to hear from her husband; the sound of him saying that he believes that they can have a great life here. Now, if only he can come join her in the bath so that they can take it easy and relax with each other. After all, that was exactly what she needed from her husband. That's when she heard the patio door to their room open. Yes, the bath is outside and it's absolutely perfect.

Turning around to face Matt in her little robe, Gabby smirked due to the fact that he is so sexy when he is clad in nothing but a towel. He is so muscular, and she's happy to have him here right now. It's exactly what she needs to help her relax. And that's going to be crucial during her pregnancy, for her to relax both for her health and the sake of their child. She then watched as he made his way over to her this evening. Just standing there in silence, she doesn't exactly know what to say to her husband due to the fact that she was worried; worried how he was going to react to all of this. However, they both agreed on something on their way here. He was not going to yell at her, as that may just cause stress on her body; and that was definitely not something that they wanted. Rather, they wanted to take it easy and just make sure that everything stays easy for the both of them. And that just sounds perfect for Gabby, as it means that she and Matt will talk tonight.

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