Chapter Forty-One: The Most Important Outfit

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Hi readers, I know that I have previously posted another chapter forty-one. However, I have decided that was not where I wanted the story to go; so I am going to re-write the chapter. Now, let's get to the re-written version of chapter forty-one.

She was currently in the midst of sitting in her loving husband's lap on the morning of his birthday, feeling him stroking her baby bump with his thumb as she leaned against his chest in their bed. The reason she's leaning against his chest? Let's just say that the breakfast that Matt made for her today only tasted good in his opinion, but not hers. Rather, she ended up throwing it up all over the birthday boy; and that later led to a guilt-filed shower together. But now, they were finally in bed and all comfortable with each other (while also being dressed in some sweats rather that staying in their undergarments); and that was all Matt wanted for his wife right now (even if that meant that she was no longer wearing the lingerie that she was previously wearing for him). It ended up getting all dirty, so she could no longer wear it; but that was fine with Matt, as he didn't need lingerie to be happy on his birthday. Rather, all he needed was the woman he loves in his arms.

And he was going to make sure that she knows that he loves her more than anything. Turning his head, Matt kissed her forehead softly and just took a breath as he could see how she was feeling right now. How she was currently guilt-ridden over the fact that she just threw up (one of) the nice breakfast(s) he made for her. Yes, that's breakfast plural. Matt had to make two breakfasts due to the fact that she threw up the first one. So now, she is all full once again and they are currently in the midst of holding each other in bed while Matt makes sure that Gabby rests and takes it easy. Turning his head as he leaned back against his pillow, Matt smiled as he kissed Gabby's forehead softly while she cuddled up to him; wrapping her arms around his torso, Gabby got very comfortable in her loving husband's arms before feeling him grab the covers and tug them up on top of the both of them. Wrapping his legs around Gabby's as he watched some tv on her birthday.

Kissing her forehead, Matt smiled as they both held each other close and just relaxed in bed today. After all, this was exactly what she needed today. She needs to take it easy and just relax with the man of her dreams. But that was not all Gabby was going right now. Rather, she was still full of guilt. Looking down at his wife, Matt proceeded to grab her hand and then stroked it with his thumb. "Hey, I can see how you're acting; and I have a feeling that you're feeling a certain way. So, you better turn your head and look up at me Ms. Casey. And that's an order." Gabby looked up at her loving husband when he said that. "Oh, and who are you giving me orders?" Matt smirked as he stroked her hand and looked into her eyes. "It's called being the birthday boy." Matt then bent down and proceeded to kiss her softly. Taking things nice and slow with Gabby, Matt just smirked due to the fact that they are both extremely happy with each other. This is the ideal situation.

Well, almost. What would be better would be is if Gabby wasn't guilty right now. He then looked down at his wife, kissing her forehead softly. Running his hand up and down, Matt just smiled at his beautiful wife. "Baby, you don't need to feel guilty over the fact that you threw up. Baby, you're pregnant and you aren't feeling good. That's the truth, and all that matters at the end of the day. If you aren't feeling good, then I just want you to take it easy and relax; just lay down here baby." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, feeling him run his hand up and down her back as they cuddled up to each other in bed. Turning his attention back to the TV, Matt smiled as he watched some recordings today. "Where are we going to put the cribs in here?" Matt looked down at Gabby when she asked him where they're going to be the cribs for when the twins are newborns. "God, that's a good question now isn't it?" Gabby sighed as she looked at their room.

"I guess we didn't really think about that much when we saw the fireplace in here." Matt nodded when he heard his wife say that, stroking her back as he kissed her forehead softly. "We'll figure it out. We can put them on the wall over there." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, laying her head down on his chest. At the same time, Matt kissed the top of her head and just made sure that she can relax. I swear, it's like Gabby has been hit so hard recently. That's when Matt and Gabby were both interrupted in their thoughts by the sound of Matt's phone ringing. Seeing it was their best friend, Matt smiled as he brought it close to him and Gabby. He then went to show Gabby, but she didn't want to talk to anybody. "Matt, can we just take a day together. We literally spent yesterday with everybody." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, kissing her forehead softly. "Of course." Matt then went to dismiss the call so that he and Gabby can relax.

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