Chapter Forty

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What'd you guys think of the first chapter of Matt's birthday in their new home? I hope you enjoyed it because there's a bunch more coming your way. Now, let's get on it. Here's chapter forty of Second Chances. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Chapter Forty: Counter Kisses for the Birthday Boy
(from his Lingerie-Clad Wife)

Just because Gabby wasn't going to make breakfast for the both of them this morning didn't mean that she wasn't going to be involved. As Matt said before they came downstairs, Matt will be doing the cooking today even though it's his birthday; and that's due to the fact that her status as his pregnant wife comes before his status as the birthday boy. However, there was one exception to her not cooking food today; and that was if she was helping him, while giving him a bunch of sexy kisses that he just loves more than anything in the entire world. God, just the feeling of his wife sitting in front of him on the counter is absolutely perfect; and there's nothing more that he wants to do other than kiss. He wants to share a nice kiss with his beautiful wife as they take things nice and slow with each other. So, that was why she was currently in the midst of sitting on the edge of the counter (right by the stove) while he made them some pancakes this morning; and it was hot.

And he's not just talking about the stove, he's talking about how things are in between him and Gabby; and how he's just thrilled over the news that she gave him recently. In fact, he's still so happy that they are having boys...that he still can't help but want to keep his hands on Gabby's 15-week pregnant stomach. The woman where their boys are safely growing inside of her right now. Putting her hand on the side of Matt's wife, Gabby smirked as she kissed him softly before looking around their home; giving Matt an opportunity to give her some neck kisses. And that was even hotter for her, as it made her moan. Sucking on her neck this morning, Matt smirked when he heard the woman of his dreams moan for him. "Oh baby." Matt smirked when he heard Gabby moan for him, as that was exactly what he wanted from her right now; he wanted her to moan as a way to show him that she was enjoying every minute of how he was teasing her right now.

Not that he would ever question the fact that she was currently enjoying this, as he knows his wife better than anybody; he knows that she absolutely goes crazy when he sucks on her neck, which is why he does it so often. It's why he makes sure that he gives her exactly what she wants, when she wants it. And that was something that Gabby loves about him, the way he teases her; and the way he gives her exactly what he wants. Though, there was a time where that wasn't the case (when they first tried to start expanding their family before she left); god, he is so glad that they finally have a home where they can make new memories to replace all of those old memories that they made with each other in Chicago; the memories that he would gladly pay someone to take way, because he still can't forget them unfortunately. And there are times where he has nightmares, and wakes up in the middle of the night just to make sure that Gabby truly is here and pregnant now.

But those are becoming less and less. Rather, they are becoming dreams of their future. The future that they are already creating with each other, and for their children; and that's something that he loves. Matt loves the fact that they are pregnant with their children. Kissing his wife once again, Matt smirked as he turned his head and then looked at the pancakes that he's making for the both of them; and that was something that Gabby was looking forward too, as her husband is quite a good chef (even if he didn't want to admit it). But he's starting to find that out more and more since she absolutely loves his food. But something she loves more? When he cooks for her in nothing but his boxers. God, it's so hot and such a turn on, and Matt knows it. That's why he does it. It's why he walks around in his boxers all the time for his pregnant wife. Moving his hand to her neck, Matt smirked as he bent down and kissed her neck softly, making her moan.

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