Dream Chapter Eighteen

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What did you guys think of the idea that Matt rebuilt a new home on the former land that they owned in Chicago? And now, it's a rental property? Did you like that idea? Or are you not the biggest fan of the idea? Let me know what you think, and whether you think I should change it. But now, let's not wait any longer. Time for me to start chapter 18.

Dream Chapter Eighteen: Best Friend Magic
Day One – Part Four: Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Casa Casey Rentals, Chicago – Owner's Unit
The wife smiled as she found herself standing in the nursery of the home that she and her loving husband own in Chicago, looking down at her beautiful baby boys as she finished changing them this afternoon while her husband finished brining their bags into their room. That was when Gabby heard Matt walk in behind her, his voice being quite low as to make sure that the boys didn't wake up. "You still like the idea that we now own these condos, and that they are our income property?" Turning her head, Gabby laughed and agreed with Matt when he asked her that. "Oh, definitely. And I also love the fact that we are going to change something." Matt was confused when he heard Gabby say that, walking over to his boys. "Which one did you already change?" Gabby smiled. "I already took care of the both of them. Fed the boys and changed them both while you were dealing with the business of being a landlord." Matt agreed with Gabby, smiling.

He then proceeded to walk over to the cribs that they keep here in Chicago before looking down at Andy as he slept, reaching in to rub his cheek. "I still love the fact that we own these rentals now, means we don't need to pay for a hotel and more." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, smiling as she turned around. "Also means that you don't need to work in fires anymore." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, smiling as he knew that was still a worry for her; him working in wildfires in Puerto Rico. But that was no longer a worry for her ever since they bought (and paid someone) to renovate these units as part of a deal. After the fire, Matt sued the former owner for damages (after learning that he was at fault, and that he vacated all the other residences so that he could burn it down for insurance). However, he forgot to buy him out; and now, they took ownership of the new rentals that were built in it's place. (Instead of being paid money).

And, at the end of the day, the amount of money that they would've been paid pales in comparison to the amount of money that they are going to make for the rest of their lives; the money that they're going to get from the rent that they're going to collect from here each and every month. But that's not what Matt wants to concentrate on right now. Rather, he wants to concentrate on something that he plans on doing here in Chicago; more specifically, in this home. But that can wait, as he wants to see his boys first. Looking at the boys, Matt smiled as he reached down and ran his finger up and down Andy's cheek. Meanwhile, Gabby turned to look at her husband. "You happy to be here?" Matt then looked at his wife and smiled. "I love that we're here, in our former home. In our current home. It's nice." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, smiling as he walked over to the other crib so that he can look down at Gabriel; stroking his cheek as well.

He then proceeded to put his hand on his wife's hip, tugging her body back against his chest. Smiling as he did that, Gabby was really happy as she put her hand on her husband's hand this afternoon. She then went to intertwine their fingers, smiling as she felt him bend down and kiss her shoulder softly. "How are you feeling after what happened at the firehouse?" Gabby smirked. "I'm glad that it happened." Gabby then turned around in her husband's arms, smiling as she turned around and then stepped close to the man of her dreams; wrapping her arms around his torso, Gabby cuddled up to her husband before laying her head down against his chest. Meanwhile, Matt moved one of his hands to her arm, while placing the other on the side of her head; stroking it with his thumb at the same time. Afterwards, he kissed her forehead and just smiled as they are both very comfortable with each other in their son's Chicago nursery. "This is nice, family time."

Second Chances: Our Life TogetherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora