Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Hello Readers: Sorry that I deleted a few chapters. However, I decided that I don't want to do them moving in. Rather, I want them to be already moved into their new home when I picked up. Hope you understand and enjoy. Thanks.

Chapter Thirty-Nine
The Perfect Way to Wake Up on Your Birthday is in Your Birthday Suit
(and with you Getting a Surprise Gender Reveal in Bed)

Sunday, March 24, 2019
If there's one way to wake up in bed on your birthday, it's in your birthday suit with your beautiful wife sleeping on your chest; with nothing but the sheets covering your body. That was Matt's dream for his birthday this year, and he got it. After living with other people since the couple got home to Chicago a couple months ago, it felt incredible that they could finally do this once again; wake up in bed without the fear of somebody waking them up in bed when they are both tired. And God did Matt love the reason why they were tired, all of the celebrating that he did the night before was incredible, and not just with his friends. Rather, he was talking about the fact that he and his gorgeous wife celebrated the fact that they now live alone once again the night before; he just hopes that Gabby doesn't also count it as his birthday sex, as he would love to go for another round tonight (if she isn't tired tonight of course). Matt will never make her have sex if she's tired when she's pregnant with their twins, the twins that (he thinks) they have yet to find out the gender of. But, that actually wasn't true.

Rather, Gabby was just saving that as one of his many birthday gifts that he's going to get today. The first one? The birthday sex that he got early this morning. The second one? The gender reveal that he's about to get from his wife. Well, after she wakes up of course; not that he wants her to wake up, as she is very sexy when she's laying down naked on his chest. But if she wants to put the sexy lingerie that she bought for him on, then he's not going to complain about that. Yes, Matt already saw the sexy lingerie that his gorgeous wife plans on wearing for him today; that being due to the fact that he was the one who did some unpacking of their essentials over the past couple days. They ended up getting the house a week ago and have been moving in ever since. They tried doing it alone (when their friends were on shift), but they mostly did it with help; Kelly even took a bit of time off so that he could help them move it. And it was perfect, as it let Gabby and Stella hang out. That was that they really needed, just a bit for time together before they moved out of the loft for good.

But it wasn't like they weren't going to see their friends all the time, as they were going to run into them at Molly's; or even at the firehouse when they are both working OFI at the firehouse. Yes, you heard that right; Matt and Kelly both work at OFI, and their office is at Firehouse 51. The CFD is doing a pilot project where they have OFI Arson Investigators working in every house in the CFD so that they can work on cases with the firefighters who responded to the fire. So, that was what Matt did for a living now; and he absolutely loves it, he loves being out of the fires and just doing the investigations. But the best part of his new job is that it allows him to come home to Gabby each and every night, which is what he needs now as they are once again living alone; which is exactly what they need as they get ready to welcome their twins. And they still have a lot of work when it comes to that. Most importantly, Matt still h as to make the nursery for their twins. And that means that he needs to learn the gender. He just wishes that they had found out before they moved, then it'd be painted.

Whatever, he can still paint whenever Gabby takes a nap. And honestly, he doesn't even care what gender he and Gabby have for kids. All he wants to have in life is a healthy set of twins, and that's exactly what they have so far; and they even learned that on their last appointment. But right now, he doesn't want to concentrate on the future. Rather, he wants to concentrate on right now; the right now that includes him enjoying the feeling of his beautiful wife naked on his chest, with nothing but the little sheets on top of their bodies. Yet, at the same time, Matt can't help but wonder if Gabby is really warm enough when she has nothing but the littlest of sheets on her body. Looking at her, Matt smiled as he moved his hand to her back and just stroked it with his thumb as he tried to keep her asleep; the gorgeous woman whom he loves more than anything in the entire world, and who looks so damn sexy in bed. But right now, he just wants to hold her like this. He wants to hold her in his arms as they take it easy with each other and wake up together in bed. Well, he wakes up.

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