Twenty-Seven: Wrapping Up (and Down) Rabbit Holes

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Well, that dream sure came out of nowhere. What'd you guys think about it, and do you understand now why chapter twenty-five was so short? Well now, I promise to make up for how short chapter twenty-five was by digesting everything that we just read in chapter twenty-six and trying to bring us back to reality, as that's what really matters at the end of the day. The present storyline, which is the reality that we all live in. Now, let's go to this conversation about 6 kids?

The daydream that the couple just had (together) was intense. So intense, that they felt like they needed to really take a minute to digest the dream that they (somehow) just had at the same time, and felt like it was so vivid and real. But it wasn't real (yet). Right now, it was just a dream; but it was also something that they need to talk about before they feel like they can continue. They need to talk about what it means for their future, especially when it also means that; at least per the end of the dream that they just had, that the couple may consider returning to Chicago (with their 6 kids) so that Matt can take over the Battalion as Chief. And while that is something that sounds quite interesting for the former fire captain, it all depends what his wife thinks at the end of the day; as it would mean that she'd be in charge of taking care of their big family on her own for a majority of the time, that being due to the fact that taking care of the Battalion would be a big job.

And that was why Matt ended up deciding to go get the both of them something to eat, even though they're just spending the day in bed. Regardless of the fact that they are just spending the day in bed, them needing to eat is a must; and that's due to the fact that Gabby is pregnant with their twins, the only twins that they should really need to concentrate on at the moment. After all, they are the only twins that they know for sure that they're going to have right now. All the twins that they just thought they were doing to be having in the future, they are just dreams and hypotheticals; but that doesn't mean that the couple wouldn't welcome the opportunity to have more twins in the future with open arms. In fact, that's exactly what they'd do. They'd be more than thrilled to have another set of twins (or two) in the future. But no more than that, as Matt doesn't believe that he could do more than six kids and a Battalion all at once. After all, he'd also have to be a lover.

Gabby's lover more specifically. That's something that Matt already made clear to Gabby. Just because they have kids, it doesn't mean that he's going to be their marriage to the side ever again. She's his wife, and the love of his life; and that means something to him. If they're going to have 6 kids together, then he wants to make sure that their marriage is strong before they even consider it; and that's where the conversations they're about to have today are going to come in handy, as it's going to open up the lines of communication that the couple need to have for the sake of their future children. God, just him thinking about their future children always puts a smile on Matt's face as it's everything that he's ever wanted. He's always wanted kids, and now him and Gabby are going to be having twins this year; and that's just something special...and he can't wait. But right now, what matters is that he's going to give Gabby the food that she needs to enjoy this afternoon.

Well that, and ne needs to make sure that she concentrates on the food more than the daydream that they just shared; literally shared, and that was just crazy. He's still not sure how that happened, as they had the same daydream at pretty much the exact same time; and that was scaring him. But, he's not going to harp on it due to the fact that it's going to bug Gabby when they really need to concentrate on talking about some other things that this dream brings up now; the number of kids that they're okay with having, and whether they ever plan on going back to Chicago. Because there was something else in that dream that got the couple thinking, whether they'd really be okay with their children not being raised in close proximity to that of their best friend's children. Sure, it'd be years off in the distance (as the couple aren't even married yet); but that doesn't mean that it isn't something that they don't need to think about. The fact that they have friends.

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