Thirty-Three: What's This About you Being Pregnant?

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Well, that was a nice surprise last chapter. But God, I am so evil for keeping you waiting until today to let you guys know what's happening with Kelly and Stella's future. Well, luckily for you, it's a new day; and that means that it's time for a new set of chapters that I can write for you guys. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoy this new plot twist I've started.

Shortly after (finally) taking his shower early this morning, the trio of friends all decided to step of the hospital room so that the neurosurgeons (amongst all of the doctors who were on Kelly's service) could check on him shortly after he woke up (early) this morning. After all, he did just recently go through a surgery (for his leg) and suffered a concussion (after the fall he suffered); so, that was going to mean that he needs to be monitored by quite a big team of doctors. And, that also means that, he's going to be out of service for a while as he recuperates from his injury (with Matt and Stella's help). But right now, that was not what the trio of friends were currently concentrating on. Rather, the trio were currently in the midst of sitting just outside his hospital room; talking to each other about the news that they just learned in the hospital room. The news that both Gabby and Stella are currently pregnant right now. So, that's a topic that they can concentrate on now.

At the same time, the doctors can check Severide out; and make sure that there's nothing pressing that might lead to him having some extra problems. However, that doesn't mean that Matt isn't just as worried for his friends as if he would be in there. Having gone through a head injury in the past, Matt is definitely going to be here to make sure that Kelly doesn't go too fast in his recovery; he made that mistake in the past, and it almost cost him both his life...and his relationship with Gabby. The reason that it almost cost him his relationship with Gabby, is due to the fact that he lied to her about how he was doing in his recovery; and that is something that Matt's going to make sure that Kelly doesn't do to anybody. He's going to make sure that his friend takes it easy, and that he's really at his best when he goes back. Not that he's going to have a choice but to relax for a while, as he broke both his leg and his shoulder apparently. So, that's going to take time to heal.

But right now, they weren't concentrating on his recovery; as they were trying to concentrate on some happier topics, like the fact that the two women sitting next to him right now are both pregnant. But they were also making sure to talk about it quietly as the firehouse was just down the hall in the waiting room. And, according to what Stella's told them, they have yet to tell Chief Boden about the fact that she's pregnant with her and Kelly's first child. So, she was still working while pregnant up until last shift. But she highly doubts that's going to be the case anymore, as it's bound to leak soon; including the fact that she's been working while she was pregnant, which is against firehouse policy. The policy? Any female firefighter who is pregnant, are to tell Chief Boden as soon as they find out and are not allowed to be on firefighting apparatus under any circumstances while pregnant; and that goes for everybody in the firehouse, regardless of rank.

While there are not currently any female lieutenants in the house, that may definitely be a possibility in the future as he can easily see that Stella has the ability to be a great lieutenant. In fact, if she was a certified lieutenant; he would've nominated her to be his replacement. But now, that isn't a possibility due to the fact that she's pregnant; and that's actually due to something that Gabby did. She hid her pregnancy for a while, and (after what happened) Boden thought that her working in fires might've led to her having her problems. And Matt was definitely not going to argue with that, as it definitely worried him that might've been the case. And that's why Gabby is the perfect person for Stella to talk about this, and what she went through as she worked while (she thought she was) pregnant with their first child; and she also knows about the pressure to quite the job that she has always dreamed of for the sake of the health and well-being of their child.

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