Chapter Thirty-Five

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Are you guys ready for this? I hope you are, because I can't wait to give you some more Second Chances. So, let's get to it.

Taking some breaths as she laid down in the bed of her best friend's Chicago loft, Gabby Casey took a breath as she was still tired due to the fact that she was still quite tired after a long day of travelling; and then, an uncomfortable night at the hospital where they later stayed with their friends. A stay in which she learned that her best friend was pregnant with her first child, and that just confirmed her suspicions; the suspicions that she had about how she was really feeling right now, the feelings that she was having over whether she would really be okay with her husband working at the firehouse while she's pregnant. And while he told her on the way here that he told Chief that he's not going back to the house, and that surprised her; as she thought that was the exact opposite thing she thought she was going to hear from her husband today. She thought that the two of them were going to be talking about how he wants to go back to the fire department, just like he had in Puerto Rico. Sure, it wasn't the same as what it would be here; but still, he was back at a fire department in a position that still kept him safe. In Puerto Rico, he was working in search and rescue; something he couldn't do here.

Here in Chicago, if he wanted to work at a fire department; he would have to work in putting out fires, which does scare her. But now, they're going to talk about it once again. She just has to do it. She needs to know whether she can be at ease here knowing that, her husband (and the father of her future twins) is going to be here when they bring their children home. And that was something that Gabby was really worrying about, as she wants him to be here with her as they raise their kids together; their first children, and (hopefully) not their last. And that was definitely something that Matt already knew she wanted to talk about as he walked into the bedroom that they were going to relax in for a while, as they are going to be living here for a while; at least until Kelly's recovered, as that's something that the couple already talked about. On their way here, they spoke about how their best friends are going to need each other; and that meant that they could even stay here for a while. But, at the same time, they do know that they can't stay here forever; as they need space.

Their family's going to need some space, a nursery, a private room for the both of them, a nice living room; and that was definitely something that Matt was ready to have with his wife, a nice home where they can raise their family in. But that was not Matt's main concern right now. Rather, his main concern was that his wife gets something to eat for their twins. The twins that are very healthy right now, per the appointment that they just had at the hospital; other than the fact that she needs to eat more, everything is great. And that was why Matt made his wife a big breakfast rather than them picking something up, other than the groceries that he picked up on their way home. But now, it's time to sit down and give Gabby the breakfast that he just made for her this morning. Walking over to his wife this morning, Matt smiled as he proceeded to set her tray of food down on top of her; which led to him noticing that she was currently spacing out a bit. And he had a feeling that he already knew that she was thinking about. She was thinking about their friends right now this morning.

And the truth was, so was he. It was on the top of his mind, and that was something they definitely were going to talk about today as they relaxed in bed; the bed where they aren't going to have sex. Rather, he's going to stay dressed today (as that's what she needs so that she can rest per doctor's orders). Just looking at the beautiful woman he loves more than anything, Matt smiled as he sat down and then put the tray down while he sat down next to her; after which, he placed his hand on her stomach. And that led to Gabby coming back to reality, which led to her realizing that Matt was here. "Oh, hey." Matt looked at his wife when she said that, smiling at her. "Hey, are you okay?" Gabby sighed. "I would like to say yes but..." Matt then understood. "That news that we got yesterday is on your mind, isn't it?" Gabby nodded. "Matt, I..." Matt then just got close to his beautiful wife and interrupted her by kissing her softly. "Hey, take a breath and relax baby. Listen, what do you say we eat first? Then, we can talk about everything that's on your mind." Gabby agreed with her husband.

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