Chapter Thirty-One

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Hi Readers: When I first started in this story, I never imagined that I would be able to sustain (and continue) this story for so long. But for me to get to Chapter Thirty-One is truly an accomplishment, and I credit that with some people that have encouraged me and helped me when it comes to writing this story. You know who you are, and I hope you guys can send me some ideas. Thanks again. Now, how about we stop delaying and get to what really matters...Matt, Gabby, and their life together in Puerto Rico. By the way, do you think that the couple made the right choice when it came to him no longer being a firefighter (again). I hope you guys like that fact, or else you can let me know if you don't in the comments. Can't wait to hear back from you guys when you tell me whether you guys are a big fan (or not that big of a fan) of that idea. Now, let's get to it right? Thanks again for reading; and please enjoy this thirty-first chapter of our journey in Puerto Rico.


When her husband told her that he's not going back to being a firefighter, Gabby couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as that was something that she's been waiting to hear for a while. Yet, the relief she felt was soon fleeting for some reason. And she ended up going quiet when it came to speaking to her loving husband (who just decided not to go back). Which is why Matt is confused right now, confused as to why his wife is currently very quiet as she lays down on his chest and just traces his chest. The chest that he already knows she's always addicted to due to the fact that she loves cuddling up to him. But still, this is just puzzling to him. Why isn't she as happy as she should be. Or at least, how he thinks she should be after he just told her that he's going to be safe for the rest of his life; and that their children will always have a father, because he's not going back to being a firefighter. I mean, did she expect him to say something other than what he told her today?

So, when Matt says that there's a lot going on in his mind right now; he really means it due to the fact that he isn't exactly truly understanding just why his wife is being so quiet at the moment. But then again, there are times where no husband can really understand just why their wife needs to be quiet; maybe she just needs a moment to digest the fact that he just told her that he's not going back to fighting fires. Rather, he's going to stay out so that he can be safe with her. Then again, he feels like he should at least get a bit more of a reaction than what he got. So, he decided that enough is enough; he's going to try and get her attention so that he can see what's going on in her head right now. Moving his finger under his beautiful wife's chin, Matt pushed her head up and then smiled as he proceeded to bend down and just kissed her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams, Matt smiled when he finally got a reaction to him kissing her.

And let's just say that he loved the reaction, as his beautiful wife decided to slip up his chest and put her hands on his chest; which led her to (then) hovering over him while they shared a kiss. But Matt didn't want to be the one who's underneath. Rather, he wanted to be the one who's hovering on top of his wife; so that's why he decided to wrap his arm around his beautiful wife's back and just rolled over so that he was now hovering on top of her (which is what they both secretly want). I mean, what wife doesn't want their husband to hover over her and stare into her eyes; while also concentrating all of his love and attention on her. After all, that's exactly what Matt plans on doing with her right now. He plans on giving her a bunch of love and attention, attention that she will always deserve as his wife. And boy is she going to love the attention that she's about to get as his wife. Just looking down into Gabby's eyes, Matt smiled as she put her hand on his face.

Staring down at her, Matt smiled due to the fact that she is very beautiful; but, at the same time, he was also looking down at her due to the fact that he was also concerned; concerned as to just why she isn't talking to him right now, like she should be. It looks like there's something on her mind, and he will always want her to talk to him if there's something on her mind; and in return, he'll listen to her and make sure that she knows everything's going to be okay as long as she talks to him. And that's exactly how Gabby feels right now. That, by talking to Matt, everything will be okay. "Sorry, did you say something baby?" Matt shook his head when he heard Gabby speak to him for the first time in a while. "No, I didn't. But, I haven't heard you talk to me since I said that I'm not going back to being a firefighter. And I jut thought that I'd hear something after I told you that. Maybe not gratitude but jut a bit of relief that must've came from me telling you that."

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