Matt Dream Chapter Thirty-Seven: Chicago Life with Andy and Gabriel

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Another day, another set of chapters. I hope you guys enjoy the chapters that I'm going to write for you guys, thanks again for reading; now, let's get to it and just jump into Chapter 37 for you guys. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

Friday, November 1, 2019
Matt ended up going back to work after 2 months of paternity leave rather than the original 4 months he planned on staying out (e.g. until the New Year), but there was a reason for which he did that; that being due to the fact that Gabby already had help each and every day when it came to taking care of the twins. That help being that of her best friend Stella Kidd, who came over each and every day to help Gabby take care of the twins (alongside her and Kelly's daughter Shaylene) who is only 15 days younger than their boys. So, they basically ended up agreeing to just raise their kids together as if they are triplets (for now). But, that could only last for so long; especially tonight when he needed a bit of time with his girl. And that was exactly what he was going to get, as he needed to make up with her. The recent fire he needed to investigate was all the way across town, and he didn't end up getting home until now; now being 8 pm at night since the investigation ran late. Add in the fact that the fire was one that Firehouse 51 responded to, and the conversations just dragged on forever.

Some of them not even being related to the fire. So, Matt knew that he was going to be chewed out for that; especially now that Gabby was exhausted and wanted to be with her husband as much as possible. Matt just hoped that he would be able to convince his gorgeous wife to let him in the shower (while he also keeps their 2 month old sons asleep). Walking over to the washroom in his towel, Matt smirked due to the fact that he was currently in the midst of walking by the cribs. And that meant he had a chance to look at his beautiful sons. They were both so adorable, and he was so glad that they had them in their lives; this was truly his dream come true, and they were the perfect mix of both himself and Gabby. In fact, it was split evenly. If you could picture the dream mix of both him and his wife, that was what they got in their boys. Their skin color was the perfect mix of him and Gabby, and their hair was more chocolate brown than dark brown like their mother's hair (whom Matt wants to wash tonight in the shower); but he couldn't resist this chance he had to check on his young sons.

The sons whom were currently fast asleep in their cribs that they had located at the end of their bed, the cribs that Matt always got them out of each and every time that they need to feed in the middle of the night; that was something that Matt insisted on doing as he wanted to make sure that Gabby got as much rest as possible, as she took care of the boys alone during most of the day. But now, he was here and could easily help her out with taking care of the kids. But first, he needed to get in the shower with his beautiful wife before she decided to get out; and therefore, he lost his chance to get in the shower with her. Ever since they had the twins, they have lost a bunch of chances to be intimate with each other (this being due to the fact that they always pick the wrong time to try and be intimate). They should know better, but they end up not knowing better; well, except for ring now as he knew that the boys have just been fed per a text that he got from Gabby.

He texted her his apologies that he was coming home late, and that let her know that he was on his way; which she later responded to by saying that she was getting in the shower, and that she wanted him to join her in the shower. And that was a request that the husband was definitely not going to deny his wife. If she wants him in the shower, then she's going to get him in the shower; that's just a fact that neither of them can deny. So, it's time for Matt to stop stalling and go join the most beautiful woman in the entire world in the shower; then, he can take it easy and just relax with the most important woman in his world. The woman he wants to make sure that he lets know that he loves more than anything, especially with how she's stepped up since he went back to work; he always said that he would take more time if she needed him to take more time, but she's refused every single offer that he's extended him to take more time off. But that was fine with him for now.

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