Chapter Nineteen

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Another day, another set of chapters for you guys. But, I have decided not to continue the dream chapters (for now); and I am going to save the rest of that dream for a later date. Rather, I am going to go back to present time right now to keep moving that storyline along, as I do need to make sure that we keep moving it along so that we can get to the twins at some point. We all want to meet the Casey twins after all. Now, like I just said, back to present time (and the Pregnancy). By the way, let me know what you think of the names that I chose for their sons. Should I keep them? Let me know. Now, let's go.


Her husband was confused as he made his way out to the beach this morning, wondering just where his pregnant wife was after he woke up alone in bed; and that made him worried, due to the fact that she is pregnant after all. He wants her to be close to him as much as possible, so that he can protect her; well, mostly. The other reason is because he was really enjoying that lingerie that she was wearing for him right now. But that's not where she is now. Rather, his wife was currently sitting on the beach rather than being at home. And that concerned him, as she rarely ever leaves him without at least leaving him a note. Yet, she decided to just walk out today and make her way to the beach alone. If she wanted to go to the beach today, then Matt would've been all for that; heck, he might've gone swimming with her or even surfing. But based on the way that his wife was sitting on the beach right now, it seemed that she was thinking more than wanting to swim in the gorgeous ocean that they had near their home. So, Matt had to make sure to approach this situation carefully.

He didn't want to push Gabby to run away from him, yet he also wants her to lean on him (and talk to him); that's just a fact, and she needs to remember what they agreed to. They agreed that they would talk and lean on each other, which is something that they are going to do right now if he has it his wife. Thank god he decided to bring them some water, because she definitely needs to start hydrated right now; and that was going to be the olive branch that he was going to offer to his wife. The water bottle that he brought along with him (for her) was going to be the olive branch that he can extend to her so that they can talk to each other. After all, she needs to know that she can always lean on him for anything and everything; now, just to extend that olive branch that can (hopefully) lean to the both of them talking right now. Talking about how she's doing, and just why she decided to "run away" from him in this way. Sure, he can understand that she may need to come out here and thing for a while. But he at least hoped that she would tell him if she needed to do that.

So, he's going to make sure to get to the bottom of what was causing his wife so many problems. Walking over to her, Matt smiled as she did look quite beautiful the way she was sitting on the beach right now. Heck, he always thinks that she looks beautiful; but he's biased after all, due to the fact that she's his wife (and he loves her more than anything). But still, that will never change the fact that she is a very beautiful woman. Now, just to get said beautiful woman to speak to him right now. So, here goes nothing. Walking up behind his wife with the water bottle that he has for her, Matt put it out so that she can grab it. "I had a feeling that you might want this." Turning her head, Gabby looked up at her loving husband when he said that. "Oh, hey. Sorry for this." Matt shook his head when he heard Gabby say that. "No, it's okay baby. You okay?" Gabby took a breath as she went ahead and grabbed the water bottle, putting her hand out so he can help her up. "No, stay sitting down. I can sit with you and talk. Plus, it's actually not too warm right now. It's actually the perfect temperature."

Gabby agreed with her husband when he said that, glad that he felt that way. "Are you going to come down and sit with me, or are you going to make me get up so that you can sit down?" Matt snickered as he went ahead and then sat down on the beach for his wife, waiting for her to crawl into his lap. After all, that was exactly what they both wanted her to do right now. And it was truly comfortable when she joined him in his lap. Sitting in his lap right away, Gabby smiled as she sat in between his leg before cuddling up to him. Matt then wrapped his arm around her and put his hand on her stomach. Smiling as he did that, Gabby put her hand on his and stroked it with her thumb. "That feels nice." Matt agreed with Gabby when she told him that it feels nice. "I know what you mean. You want to know what feels even better?" Gabby smiled. "What's that?" Matt then turned his head, kissing the side of his wife's head before whispering in her ear this afternoon.

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