Chapter Thirty-Four: An Early Ultrasound

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Hi Readers:
I hope you liked last chapter; I know I did. Now, how about we keep this train going with another great chapter for you guys (in my opinion) and maybe a bit of sexy time for Matt and Gabby now that Kelly is awake? Hope you enjoy this chapter.

7 AM, Gaffney Medical Center Emergency Department
The couple decided to leave Kelly and Stella earlier than expected after a restless night, one that was definitely not a quality that was good enough for Matt's pregnant wife. So, they decided to (quietly) wake Stella up and let her know that they were going to be leaving due to the fact that their backs were hurting. And while she was sad that they weren't going to be able to spend much time together for a bit, she understood as she's pregnant as well. And that was the exact reason the couple decided to leave so that they could go to his sister's place, even though they said that they were going to stay at their place in the future; and they will, when Kelly's out of the hospital (he has to stay here for a couple weeks first). There was even rumors that he could stay until mid-to-late March. So, they were definitely not going to stay that long. However, one thing was the case; Matt was still going to go back to the firehouse, but maybe not just yet (for the pregnancy).

Rather, he wants to go to OFI for a bit (which is something he and Gabby ended up talking about over breakfast); and were talking about right now as they sat down in the exam room that they were in. "Baby, are you sure that you're okay with going to OFI for a while?" Matt looked up at his wife when she asked him that, this having been the fourth time that she's asked him that question today. "Gabby, I'm positive. I want to go to OFI for a while, at least until we've found a new place." Yes, that was definitely something that they had to do ASAP; after all, they do need to make a nursery (and get Gabby comfortable) before the end of spring. Matt already made it clear to Gabby that she was not going to be out much this summer. Regardless of the fact that she no longer has an aneurysm, Matt wants her to rest as much as possible during her final trimester; and Gabby already knows that's going to be the case, as these are their first children (of many hopefully).

He wants her to be as healthy as possible, which will always be a fact for the rest of their lives. That's when the couple heard the doctor who was going to check on the babies walk into the examination room this morning. And luckily for them, it was a doctor that Matt knew and trusted well. "Matt?" Matt laughed when he heard Dr. Natalie Manning walk into the room, the both of them having been friends for a while. In fact, Natalie went to medical school with Hallie; which is why Matt trusted her so much. "How are you Natalie?" Natalie then just came in, closing the door. "Wait, Gabby? I heard you were in Puerto Rico. Sorry, I am so confused right now. What the heck is happening?" Gabby sighed, turning to look at her husband as she was worried. It was the reason that they were in here in the first place. She just wanted to check on the babies. "Matt, can you talk about it? I just..." Matt sighed as he got up and looked at his wife. "Hey, take a breath."

Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, feeling him walk over to her. Putting his hand on the top of her head, Matt bent down and proceeded to kiss his wife's forehead softly. "Just take a breath baby, and remember that we're just doing this as a precaution okay? We've had a busy 24 hours, and we just wanted to check on the babies. That's it honey, and I'm sure that everything is okay. But I just want to make sure after all the stress." Gabby agreed with Matt and took a breath, calming down as a way to make sure that she took it easy for the babies. "Can you talk to her now?" Matt agreed as he turned to look at Natalie, who was quite confused. "Ok. Let me explain this. This is the first time we've been here since Gabby had a false diagnosis of her having an aneurysm on her right iliac artery, and artery can could kill her if she got pregnant." Natalie got worried. "Wait, you said false diagnosis right?" Gabby agreed. "Yeah, they were wrong."

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