Chapter Twelve: You'll Survive, and Thrive

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Hello Readers:
And I hope that you guys had a great work week; or, if you're in school, a great week of lessons. However, it's now the weekend and that means it's time for you to enjoy yourselves; and hopefully, that includes you guys reading some of the chapters I plan on writing for you guys this weekend. Thanks again for reading my story, and I hope to give you guys what you guys want when it comes to chapters. Now, let's not waste time with me writing you guys a note; rather, let's get to what you guys are really here to read. My wonderful story, Second Chances: Life in Paradise. Enjoy my dear readers.

Quick Note: I have an idea for a chapter, but it's a couple weeks into her pregnancy. So, after this chapter; I am going to skip a few weeks. Hope you understand.


Once Gabby Casey made herself comfortable on her loving (muscular) husband's chest for the second time this morning, she smiled as she found herself all cuddled up to the man of her dreams while he ran his hand up and down her back; his wedding band firmly placed on her spine as a way to ensure that she was relaxed and comfortable. To this day, there was just something about the feeling of Matt's wedding band running itself up and down her spine that made her happy, that made her relax; and it also reminded her of just how much this man she finds herself extremely lucky to be married loves her. He loves her more than anything in the entire world, and she knows that he would protect her at all costs. And so far, that is exactly what he's done since they got married just over 2 years ago now; but the truth was, it's felt like longer. With everything that they've gone through together as a couple, it feels more like a decade that they've been married.

I mean, what couple can say that they lost a baby, lost an adopted child, almost died of an abdominal pregnancy, got shot, almost died in a fire, and almost lost each other when one of the people in the couple moved away due to the fact that she was overwhelmed in the city that she used to call home with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. And yes, that is just a short version of everything that the Caseys have gone through since they got together as a couple. To say that it hasn't been easy for the both of them is an understatement, that's just a fact that nobody can ignore; and they are very much ready to take whatever life throws at them (they think anyways). I mean, the true test of their relationship (they believe) will be this pregnancy that they are currently starting. A pregnancy that could easy kill Gabby, and leave the love of her life either raising a child without her; or, even worse, loosing both his wife and another one of their children all at once.

And that was Gabby's biggest fear, and a reason why she was (secretly) trying to keep a bit of distance in between herself in Matt; a distance that would (hopefully) allow Matt to grieve easier as they weren't as close if she died during, or after, this pregnancy. Then again, that was probably not going to last very long due to the fact that Matt's probably started to catch on to the fact that she's been trying to put a bit of distance in between the both of them; at least, that's what Gabby thinks. At this moment, she wasn't exactly sure what Matt knew about the distance that she was trying to put in between them. Or heck, whether he even noticed that she was trying to put a bit of distance in between the both of them. She just hoped that they can talk about it, and he can understand her motives behind doing it rather than getting all mad about it. Then again, nothing is that predictable anymore; especially her pregnancy, as they have never dealt with anything like this before.

I mean, what couple could ever deal with something like this before? The possibility of an aneurysm killing an expectant mother? A mother who only died for the simple fact that she wanted to give her husband, the man she loves, a baby? In Gabby's opinion, that just isn't fair; and there has to be some curse put on her if that was really what God was making her risk. He was making her risk both her and her husband's happiness just due to the fact that she wants to give her husband a child, and that isn't fair. She's always been the best Catholic girl that she could be, and she has the biggest heart. I mean, she put her marriage on the line to come volunteer with people who had nothing; here in Puerto Rico, shortly after Hurricane Maria devastated the island. Doesn't someone with such a big heart like that deserve a child, a child that they get to raise; and they also deserve to survive the pregnancy at all costs? In her opinion, she does. And she hopes she does.

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