Chapter Twenty

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Wow, never did I imagine when I started this story that it would last this long. But for me to now reach twenty chapters, it's incredible. I have previously done other stories this length; but I have recently been struggling to keep them going. But this story? I am doing much better (in my opinion) and I hope that you guys feel the same way. Now, let's get to it.

The walk to the beach restaurant that the couple have decided to eat at was pretty uneventful, other than a bunch of laughs that the couple had based on memories that they have been going over on their walk over; some of them from Chicago, and some of their most recent memories that they are going to treasure from their early days here in Puerto Rico. The time where they didn't know that they were expecting children; and were instead trying to conceive a child. But little did the couple know that, the entire time that they were in Puerto that they were both pregnant; and that she wasn't going to die. Their life here in Puerto Rico truly has been a blessing, and there is nowhere they would rather be right now (well, other than in bed with each other). But right now, the could needed to eat. And that was the plan right now. With Gabby sitting at a table, she was waiting for Matt to come back from getting them some burgers and fries for lunch.

While she wouldn't usually get a burger, she decided to get one due to the fact that she's currently pregnant with twins; twins that she honestly believes are going to be twin boys. And that really excites Matt, as it'd be really fun for him. Not that he really cares what gender his children are going to be, but he would really like to have sons that can be like him. God, Gabby can see it already; their boys being mini-Matts, and both of them wanting to be 'just like daddy' or papa. They haven't exactly talked about all of that, as it was just today that they learned that their dream of having children together was actually going to happen; as, until now, they both believed that it was just a hypothetical situation. But today, she had her first appointment to show her that she was (1) truly pregnant, and (2) that she didn't have an aneurysm. And that was a dream come true for the both of them; and they couldn't stop smiling since they got that news that they have a future.

That she has a future with Matt and their sons, the sons that they have always wanted to have together; and that made Gabby extremely happy, as she wants to raise her family with Matt. Yes, would she have been able to settle with just giving Matt kids if she had to; of course she could've because she would've had no choice. But for her to know that she doesn't have a reason to settle for such a reality, that just makes her really happy; and there was no way that she was ever going think so negatively anymore. Rather, she was just going to think positively whenever she thinks about this pregnancy. And that's just a fact that the couple are really happy about. Now, just for her husband to come join her here at the table that she chose; after all, she is getting quite hungry, and she would like to eat right now. Thank god it didn't take long for Matt to get the food. But she's sure that there was a reason for that. He must've played a certain card to get to the front of the line.

"You played that card didn't you?" Looking at his wife as he walked over with their burgers and fries (along with their drinks), Matt was confused as he made his way over to her. Afterwards, he proceeded to set her drink and their food in front of her. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He then bent down and just smirked as he went ahead and stole a kiss form his wife, the wife he loves more than anything in the entire world. Putting her hand on Matt's face, Gabby just shook her head when Matt told her that; well aware that he played the card, as there was no way that he could've gone that fast had he not played the card. "You played the pregnant wife card?" Matt laughed as he looked at his beautiful wife. "Is it really that obvious that I played that card?" Gabby agreed with Matt when he asked her if it was really that obvious that he played that card. "Baby, you basically rushed through the line. There was no way that you did that slowly."

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