Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Hi Readers, I hope you guys enjoyed that little glimpse into the hypothetical future that Matt and Gabby might have with Gabriel and Andy. Let me know what you think of that hypothetical future and if you want it. Now, onto chapter 38.

Chapter Thirty-Eight:
Finding a New Home to Make (Good) Memories In

The dream that Matt just had about their future life truly was special, as it was exactly what he wanted for him and Gabby, a home full of love for their boys, their own home. That was definitely something that he already knew that Gabby wanted more than anything in the entire world, as she doesn't want to intrude on their friends for too look (even though she doesn't mind the fact that it means that she's living with Stella). But, she does want to have her own space once again. Preferably, a home that they can make their own prior to them welcoming their twins in a few weeks. In fact, she would like to find said home as soon as possible; this being due to the fact that she wants to be able to tour the home with ease. And unfortunately, that's just going to be harder and harder the further along she gets into her pregnancy; and that's why she's already starting the search for their new home, even though Matt's still asleep at the moment right next to her in bed.

She already knows that, with the right amount of convincing, that he will love whatever home that she chooses for the both of them; some of that convincing (of course) being of a sexual nature. And that was probably guaranteed due to the fact that she was going to want her husband to take her in her arms at some point today. But that's going to be later, as he needs to get some rest right now; him being tired (and quiet) due to the fact that they are both quite worried for their best friends. But, that was not the only thing that she was worried about. She also knew that the temptation to go back to the firehouse will always be there for Matt, even though he's currently working at OFI. But hopefully, he'll understand that this is the best for now; for him to work at OFI so that he can be safe. I mean, he was the one who made the request in the fire place; so, she's not really sure why she's thinking that he's going to change his mind when it comes tow here he works.

But maybe it's because her mind is just running fast right now, so fast that she can barely comprehend some of the thoughts that she's having right now; and that's why she's looking for a house right now, as a way to distract herself as she can't speak to Matt when he's sleeping. Well, that's what she thinks as she isn't aware of the fact that her husband is awake yet. But that's going to change in a moment, when the man she loves decides to let her know that he's awake, and that he's available to talk to her if she needs to; or, more like he wants her to. But for now, he could definitely go with getting a nice kiss from the woman of his dreams. The woman he plans on living a long, happy life with; with them having many children. And that's another thing that's going to complicate their search for a new home, the fact that they aren't going to want to move each time they have more kids. She's going to want to stay put every time that she's pregnant, that's a fact.

I mean, what woman would want to move each and every time that she's pregnant with another child? And that's why she's not looking that close to downtown right now. She's looking for a home that's a bit further away, that they can commute to work from; yes, they can commute to work. She's going to come to work with Matt whenever she gets a chance, as she wants his help to raise the kids as much as possible. Either that, or she can go into town with him and spend the day with her mom while he works; as she isn't sure what her plans are when it comes to work. I mean, it also all depends on the amount of money that Matt makes and their mortgage. Or should they rent in the city? There's a lot of questions that they still need to answer in that case, but she just wishes that Matt was awake so that they can figure this out together. And luckily, he was awake. That was something that Matt planned on telling her right now in a sexy way.

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