☆, Playing wool for spinning

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The soil used to make the adobe bricks was stirred continuously for three days. After the grass in the soil fermented, Maxine took only half a day to mold all the adobe bricks to dry. Lu Bing sat on the side sewing animal skin bags, which were to be taken to the salt lake to store salt. After drying the last adobe brick, Maxine asked Lu Bing to see if there were enough adobe bricks, and if he was preparing some. The height, length and width of the adobe bricks are all the same. After counting carefully, Lu Bing squatted on the ground and counted, but it was still a bit worse. "Maxine will make another pool of adobe bricks, and you can use mud for the rest. After these are ready to dry, you can go first and get the salt back."

"Okay. I'll get the soil first." Maxine picked up the piles left under the cliff. A stack of baskets woven from rattan and a stone pick made of wood and stones. There is soil everywhere by the river. Maxine is also quick to do this job. After the soil is made, weeds are added to the first pond and mixed well. Life here is over. "Lu, I'm going back."

I started molding early this morning, and it's just past noon at this time. Feeling a stomach that had just eaten lunch, Lu Bing put down the half-sewn bag. "Maxine, let's go to the forest before it gets dark to see if there is anything good? After the rainy season, I haven't been there yet."

Maxine looked at the sun still high above his head. "Then, go to the swamp. There's not enough time today."

"That's good." The environment in the swamp is good, and many good things have not been spoiled by wild animals. After hastily packing up the animal skins and baskets brought by the medicine, Maxine flew directly to the swamp area with Lu Bing. This swamp is located in a high valley plain. After the rainy season, there is not much flood backlog, and now it has receded, leaving only connected pools. Maxine picked a hillside without water and landed. Lu Bing turned over and looked at the swamp that had expanded more than twice after the rainy season. "Maxine, do you still remember those wild herbs?"

"Lu, remember what you said." Before Lu Bing taught me how to collect wild vegetables and medicinal materials, I still remember the appearance. Maxine bent down with the animal skin bag and prepared to collect them. It was also Lu Bing's luck that he found a few corn seedlings mixed in the weeds. After digging out the soil carefully, Lu Bing said to Maxine, "Look, Maxine. This is corn, which is also an edible grain. When we go back, we will plant it on the side of wheat. This does not require much water and is very It 's easy to feed."

Hearing what Lu Bing said, Maxine took the seedlings that Lu Bing handed to him, looked carefully and asked about the taste. "I've made a note of it. Tell me if you need anything else, I'll find it for you."

"That's right, these are good treasures that we will rely on for our survival here in the future. Be careful." Lu Bing put the seedlings away nervously. He got into the back basket, lowered his head and looked again to see if there was anything else good. Before the sun set, Maxine flew back to the cave with two bags of wild vegetables and one bag of medicinal materials, as well as more than forty corn seedlings and dozens of peppers wrapped in soil in the road ice basket. Maxine first took Lu Bing to plant the seedlings of medicinal materials and corn pepper seedlings together, and took Lu Bing to the side of the mud pool on the opposite side to set up a grill stone pot and leave Lu Bing to cook dinner by himself while stirring the soil with his tail.

In the next two days and two mornings, after breakfast, Maxine would take Lu Bing into places with few wild animals to find some seedlings that could be used. Along the way, he also found wild grapes spreading in a valley. Looking at the small green grapes the size of mung beans on the vine, Lu Bing excitedly held Maxine's hand. "Maxine, when this thing is ripe, we will pick it to make wine. Drinking it in the ice and snow season can warm the body, and adding it to the meat can get rid of the fishy smell."

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