☆, broken shell baby

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After the harvest season, all the tribes on the Anka Continent lived comfortably in this ice and snow season, even the old female cubs who died of cold and disease in previous years did not appear. Living in a warm cave, eating fresh vegetables, the orcs who go out are dressed very warmly, and many people often thank that unknown tribe.

In the second month of the ice and snow season, Lu Bing, who was seven months pregnant, spent three hours giving birth to a pure white soft-shell egg the size of two fists. In the last month of pregnancy, Lu Bing used the white jade rough stone found by Maxine to make medicinal utensils of seven or eight sizes, boiled them in hot water, added a little bit of olive oil, and opened them until the time of delivery. The efficacy of medicines. Often the females who give birth for the second time are not as fast as Lu Bing. It took three hours from pain to birth. After giving birth, they were still lying on the bed with high spirits and looking at their own little quilt on the kang. egg baby.

Quite entangled and excited, Lu Bing was satisfied with touching his egg baby, which had begun to firm up, and calmly said to Wu: "The female pelvis is very narrow, of course it will not go well during delivery, even the one below is also very small. Exercising and controlling food intake can reduce the baby's overgrowth; using tools before giving birth can expand the birth canal, so you don't have to worry about the birth canal being small and the baby having an accident. Wu, you have to work hard. My babies are all born, and yours should also be accelerated. "The

easily shy Wu could fry eggs with such a joke from Lu Bing, hurriedly packed up her things and went out to tell Master Maxine and the children that everything was safe. Maxine, who was standing in the living room, was blocked by Monka from entering the bedroom. Moreover, the sound insulation was done well everywhere. He hadn't heard Lu Bing's voice since Lu Bing entered. Wu lifted up the animal skin, and saw Maxine with red eyes who was extremely anxious, knowing that he was waiting anxiously, he hurriedly made a sound. "Lu Bing is fine, and the baby has been born. Go in and have a look."

Hearing Wu's words, Maxine embraced Mengka who had been pressing down on him ecstatically. After thanking Wu, he opened the animal skin curtain and entered. bedroom. "Lu."

Lying on the bed, he had been looking at Lu Bing at the door after he got out of the witch. When Maxine came in with red eyes and ecstatically called his name, Lu Bing really let go of the awkwardness of a man giving birth. "Come and see, our child is so beautiful. I don't even know what it looks like when it hatches. Does it look like you?"

Sitting on the kang, he supported Lu Bing with one hand and let him lean into his arms. Maxine leaned against Lu Bing's hand stroking the eggshell, and kissed Lu Bing's sweaty hair top happily. "Our child will definitely be better than me in the future. Thank you, Lu, for your hard work. I couldn't hear your voice when I was outside just now... I was really scared."

"Look, the baby and I are fine. Lu Bing didn't know what to say, but felt that it was too late to comfort him, so he raised his head and kissed Maxine's chin. "Because, I know you are afraid. Neither of us will leave the other. I promise.

" He said with a smile, "Wipe Lu Bing first, he's sweating all over."

Maxine took the basin and said courteously, "I'll come, please accompany me to see the stewed chicken soup."

"Okay." Wu understood and closed the door After leaving, Maxine put the basin on the ground, took a towel and dipped it in water to bathe Lu Bing. "Are you tired? Have some soup and sleep later. I will always be by your side." During the delivery

, Lu Bing didn't bleed much, even if he wasn't mentally fatigued, he was talking softly thinking of Maxine He was a little tired and wanted to rest. "En. I'll eat something before going to bed. According to our side, we should lie in bed and have a good rest this month. Our side is called confinement. Resting during confinement is very good for adults."

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