☆, prepare for battle

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  You Si led the way, and the three of them didn't bring anything with them and quickly followed in one roll. There are several rivers in the Mishi Mountains. If Yousi hadn't led the way, they might not have found it quickly.

Looking from a distance, various crops are densely planted on several small river beaches on the sunny side, and two large water tankers are erected on each river beach for water supply. On the opposite side of Xiangyang, several wooden houses are scattered in the shadows, and many varieties of vegetables are planted in the open space. Upstream of the wooden house is a cellar, a large number of chickens and ducks are raised on a river beach downstream, and a dozen horned sheep and bulls of different sizes are on the next river beach. These river beaches are connected together with rafts. Looking at the deep river under their feet, the three of George lamented in their hearts that the place here is a bit small, but the various facilities are much better than those in the tribe.

Orcs' ears and noses are extremely sensitive. Yus brought three strange orcs over and the first one he found was Mengka, who was cleaning Daphne's diaper by the pool. Watching vigilantly at the three strangers who had come down from above, if Youss hadn't led the way, he would have called Maxine to come out to fight the enemy. "Yus."

Seeing Mengka's vigilant eyes, Yous knew that he was reckless, but when he thought about what would happen soon. "Monka, let's go find Maxine and the others. George is my good friend from the past, and he came here specially to say that a group of stray orcs are coming." Opening

his eyes in surprise, Monka looked at George, Tower and others sharply. Erma and Gray. "Can you trust it?"

He nodded extremely cautiously, and Yuss was also worried about the future. "The people brought by George can be trusted."

"That's good. Let's go and inform everyone." After confirming, Monka didn't procrastinate, and ran to Maxine and the others to discuss in the kitchen. I go to the kitchen first. After turning around and approaching, Maxine who was in the kitchen came out with Lu Bing. The look in his eyes was more vigilant than that of Mengka, and he severely suppressed George and the others who came. With one arm around Lu Bing, Maxine said slowly in a steady voice, "I am Maxine of the Snake Clan, and this is my partner, Lu Bing."

Draco, who was curious about the stranger, also poked his head out from behind Lu Bing's thigh at this time, blinking his big golden eyes and staring at the three of them. When Maxine looked down and saw Draco, his eyes softened, and he held the child carefully. "My son, Draco."

"Hello. I'm George, the leader of the Feather Clan, and these two are from the Sand Wolf Clan." George was shocked when he saw the one-year-old Draco. Cubs are born. Talma and Gray put away their surprised expressions, and spoke after George introduced himself. "I'm Talma from the sand wolf clan, and this is my friend Geri."

"Please come in." Maxine and Lu Bing stepped back a few steps to let them in. Us turned around and ran to hug Toya. When everyone arrived, George and Talma were shocked from ear to ear. There are only three families here, and every family has cubs.

"Cough cough." Us coughed a few times in a fake manner, and the three of George came back to their senses and quickly explained. "This matter is a mistake between our two tribes. The reason is our tribe's security. Talma knows these things better, so let him say it."

Talma didn't refuse, and explained everything in detail . speak out. "That's the way it is. Those wandering orcs might follow these clues. After all, as long as those interested people calculate the distance from the wolf clan to the tiger clan, they will come here sooner or later."

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