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After the rainy season, the Yuzu tribe started a new round of farming, and Yusi started every time. Although everyone is already familiar with the steps after sowing too many seeds, but I always think that it would be better to start with Us. We didn't see Yousi and Toya when we were clearing the field. Everyone thought that Toya hadn't come out because of his illness these few days, and Yusfuf still didn't show up after all the breeding seeds germinated. After discussing, they called several people to look for them, only to find that Yusfufu's house was covered with a thin layer of dust, and no one knew how many days he had left.

Yousfufu is very popular in the tribe, and he usually greets everyone he meets when he goes out, so everyone will think more about seeing each other quietly. Everyone in the tribe gossips left and right, and soon gets in touch with Wei'an about what happened. Chief Wei'an is pretty and good at cooking and making clothes. He always likes to laugh and looks very temperamental. Many old people in the tribe and orcs who haven't had a partner like him very much.

Before Yusfufu came back, everyone saw that Wei An never refused George's pursuit, and many people saw George beast taking Wei An out for fun, so everyone naturally regarded them as future companions. Yusifufu came back, and the technology brought back from other tribes made most people in the tribe optimistic about Yusifu's succession as the leader, and George was not popular at once. As soon as the rumors in the tribe that Yuss would be the leader came out, Wei An said that he was just a friend to George, and he had always rejected George before, but he couldn't back down because of George's strength.

Just now everyone has always thought that Wei An is such a good female, he must be right, but with the first dry season after Yuss came back, the relationship between George and Wood during the ice and snow season was applied after the dry season was sown. together. With the beginning of George, Yoss and Toya, Joey and William, the three newcomers officially formed a pair before the harvest in the dry season. After that, Wei An was depressed for a few days, and broke out completely after George took over as the leader before the rainy season. First, he told the tribal elders who liked him the unwritten tradition of the leader marrying a female, saying that following the tradition was good for the tribe. Many old people were really bewitched by him, and made a proposal to change the leader in the tribe. There are not many of these people, and the young orc females are all optimistic about George. These troublemakers have not and have not been successful until now.

Thinking that Yoss and Toya left because of this incident, many female orcs who saw Wei An's hypocrisy had no good feelings for him, cynicism is certain. After Yusfufu left, Wei An spent a long period of sad life, even Anqiu and Leo, who had been following behind him to pursue him, also left him. Wei An is not a person who admits defeat and admits mistakes, because the incident caused by Yousfufu's departure made him hate Yousfufu. After the harvest season, Wei An, who couldn't stay in the Yu tribe, left with a young orc from the Sand Wolf tribe. There is no fun in gossip about all things, and this matter quickly subsided.

Wei'an, who left with the Sandwolves, couldn't get used to the hot semi-desert place. Although the females here are very envious of their white and tender skin, but when they go out, the wind and sand make the delicate Wei'an start to miss his former tribe with rich products far away by the sea. Wei'an's change has always been seen in the eyes of Talma, the warrior of the Sandwolf tribe who brought him back. He couldn't help but rejoice that he hadn't formally partnered with the female of the Yu tribe. As far as Wei'an's character was concerned, it was impossible for him to be a leader in his own tribe. The position of the leader mate. All members of the Sand Wolf tribe noticed Talma's growing indifference towards Wei An. Gradually, everyone disliked Wei An and ignored him.

The arrogant Wei An took a deep breath and endured it, planning to teach those who gave him a hard time after he became the leader's partner. The sand wolf tribe's territory is close to the edge of the desert. There is a river below where they live. The river often stops flowing during the dry season. At that time, it is up to the orcs to fetch water from the lake in the desert. The females of the sand wolf tribe also often work in the tribe, and most of them collect, plant and cook. In order to show off, Wei An also followed the collection team to collect a kind of berry in the nearby Populus euphratica forest. This is the most abundant fruit here, which can be dried or made into jam. The Yu family is close to the sea, and there are a lot of edible fruits there, and there are various methods of processing fruits taught by Professor Toya. For a while, Wei'an also saved a lot of reputation here.

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