☆、The Yu tribe by the sea

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  After sending away Yoss and Toya, who were eager to return home, Mishi Mountains became much quieter without Yoss' enthusiastic laughter. Life is still going on, and when the second month of the harvest season is about to pass, Lu Bing and Maxine made Monka and Wu fiercely jealous, and Lu Bing became pregnant.

It's really strange to say. Lu Bing and Maxine are really affectionate, and the activities at night are also due to the continuous supply of love fruits day and night. One of the important reasons why Lu Bing likes to cooperate is that he doesn't feel uncomfortable after waking up in the morning. However, Lu Bing couldn't figure out that he would have a child so soon. It took a year and a half to travel to the Anka Continent, not counting the previous year, and she became pregnant in half a year, which is considered fast even on Earth.

When a female on the Anka Continent is pregnant, there will be overlapping round and staggered light red totems on the back waist. These totems will become darker and darker in the later stages of pregnancy, and the deep red time will be when it is about to give birth. And if the pregnant female has a small belly, it is basically a male, and the cub with a big belly is a female. The pregnancy period of female cubs is about ten months, and the male cub depends on the race of the father. Maxine belongs to the snake family. The male eggs will stay in the mother's stomach for seven months. After giving birth, it will take three months for the little beast to hatch. The females of the snake family are all viviparous.

Lu Bing's litter received too much attention. For Maxine who loves Lu Bing deeply, the mortality rate of female cubs is higher than that of too many eggs. female. Even before the pregnant Lu Bing got together with Maxine, she knew very well that she had been transformed by the planet's magnetic field for several hours since she came here, and such cruel things as pregnancy and childbirth would definitely happen. However, the truth came too fast, and it was difficult for him to accept it.

Lu Bing's melancholy, Maxine was well concealed. He will give birth to this child who will continue his blood, and there is no need to tell Maxine about the momentary depression. It took a few days to let myself look away and look forward to it from the bottom of my heart.

Becoming a father, Maxine happily revolves around Lu Bing every day. He didn't want Lu Bing to touch anything, but he was afraid that he would be tired. This kind of incompetent life with crippled limbs made Lu Bing explode, and he grabbed Maxine's ear and cursed. "I'm just pregnant, not disabled. Don't let me touch this, don't let me move. Do you want me to lie on the bed until I give birth?"

"Asshole." Fearing that Lu Bing would fall, Maxine hugged Lu Bing while enduring the pain. Before he could call out to be careful, the arrogant Lu Bing shouted loudly: "I tell you, do more exercise when you are pregnant, don't let me get pregnant." It is right for the child to be too fat in the belly. If the child is too fat, it will be difficult to give birth at the time of birth, and then it will be bad at that time, and one accidentally kills two dead."

"Ah bah bah bah." Fate, Maxine's heart was in his throat, and he hugged Lu Bing tightly. "Lu didn't do it on purpose, the Beast God must bless Lu, let's go through what you said just now."

Maxine, who was muttering, made Lu Bing smile through tears, and let go of the hand that was holding his ear. "In our tribe, people rarely die when they give birth. Most of them are regular small movements after pregnancy, so that the baby in the stomach is healthy and petite, and the female has physical strength when giving birth. Especially when pregnant with a small female, the elderly in the tribe They will let the pregnant woman move around well."

Lu Bing caressed Maxine who was looking at him suspiciously, and Lu Bing sourly kissed his bright eyes that were too scared. "Look, after being with you, I follow the habits of my previous tribe, has it changed our lives a lot? Maxine, I also love you very much, and I love the child in my stomach. Let me listen to this matter. With

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