☆, lovely Draco

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Holding the baby in one hand, Lu Bing clumsily spooned a spoonful of goat milk to touch the baby's delicate lips, and saw the baby lift his limp neck and drink it in one gulp. The cute appearance of the child made the four adults laugh. After drinking a small bowl of goat milk, the baby opened its toothless mouth, yawned and squinted its eyes and fell into a deep sleep. He held the baby upright and let him lean on his shoulders, and patted his back gently until the sleeping baby hiccupped. Maxine beside him had already laid the baby's bedding. Gently put the baby down, Lu Bing took the cotton diapers and duck down diaper pads that he had prepared before and put them under the baby's buttocks, carefully pulled away the small quilt that wrapped the baby before, changed into small clothes and covered the small quilt . After making sure that the child was asleep, the four adults carefully exited the bedroom and went to the living room outside.

Mengka sat on the kang with Wu in his arms, and said to the excited Maxine and Lu Bing with a sour face, "It's all right, you guys, don't wake the child up. By the way, what name do you give the child?"

Name? Maxine and Lu Bing looked at each other, they were so excited that they forgot. The expressions of the silly parents made fun of Mengka Fufu, and Mengka was about to open his mouth to make fun of it, but Wu had a little conscience and stopped Mengka. Maxine didn't know what name to give the child, and turned to look at Lu Bing beside him. Lu Bing didn't know what name to choose. The names on Anka Continent are all westernized, and it was a bit awkward for others to pronounce his name at the beginning. "Draco, dragon. My tribe's totem is a dragon."

"Draco." Maxine read aloud. He knew the shape of the Lubing tribe's totem dragon and the power of the dragon. The child's name was De Raco is fine. Mengka and Wu didn't know what kind of dragon the Lubing tribe was, but any kind of dragon in Anka continent couldn't be solved by a single orc. The name Draco was very good. After confirming the child's name, Lu Bing and Wu decided to have a big meal today to celebrate Draco's birth.

Lu Bing and Wu made ten big dishes based on the food at home, such as steam pot chicken with ginseng, five-spice stewed pork feet, steamed fish, scrambled eggs with scallops, lychee meat, braised pork, double cured meat, chicken soup with cabbage, cold cucumber, Eggplants in garlic sauce, Maxine and Monka worked together to roast two horned lambs, together with wine, the four of them and little Draco, who was sober and full of goat milk, sat around the dining table of Maxine's house and toasted.

The newly born Draco rolled his golden eyes interestingly, looked at his mother and father who were hugging him, and smiled toothlessly at what Lu Bing was smiling at when Lu Bing lowered his head. Cubs always tire easily, and Draco fell asleep quickly. Put the child to sleep on the kang in the living room, surrounded by bedding, make sure the quilt is well covered Lu Bing sat back and continued eating.

When the snow melted, the Yu tribe on the seashore had already started to get lively. Young orcs from various tribes had already gathered in the Yu tribe. They wanted to come and learn how to plant. Still let people come and learn. Yoss and Toya taught everyone how to level the ground and transplanted the seedlings raised in the cave to the ground. Many tribesmen scattered half of them back after learning this, and the same steps were followed in their tribes.

After tidying up the fields, Yous led everyone to build a house with wood in the sunny place by the river, and dug a cave behind the house to live in. After finishing these, each house by the river was equipped with a fan waterwheel, and dug a house. Many filter pools and several filter water towers were built. After learning this, the talents of other tribes all left, and brought back the changed supplies.

"George, I heard that your father wants to give up the position of leader to Uss?" Wood with red hair folded his arms against the cliff and asked his handsome white-haired companion who was handling the prey. George paused, and said casually, "Who did you listen to?"

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