☆, go fishing to make fish balls

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With the addition of Wu and Mengka, Maxine and Lu Bing are very satisfied. When going out, Maxine is much safer with Mengka as a partner, and Lu Bing at home will not be lonely if Wu is with him. In the past few days, Lu Bing took Wu to understand the various places in the cave, and carefully explained the functions of each place. Wu listened more and more excited, and told Mengka these words when he was sleeping at night. After understanding, Mengka was also very happy to live. Right here. After Wu's body fully recovered, Mengka took the pangolin claws borrowed by Maxine to the next door to Maxine's cave and started digging. Wu followed Lu Bing to learn how to make clothes, bedding, spinning and weaving. During this period of time, many plants in the planting area have bloomed, and Maxine pollinated these flowers with feathers according to Lu Bing's instructions.

Putting on the clothes and shoes he made by himself, Wu jumped a few times excitedly. "That's great. I'll make Monka's clothes together later, so that he won't be cold when digging the cave."

"I'll show you Maxine's clothes later. I wear it from time to time. Mengka belongs to the Tiger Clan, and the clothes can be made thinner when the temperature is high in the ice and snow season." Lu Bing sat spinning while chatting with Wu, and Wu readily accepted Lu Bing's suggestion. "I'm making Mengka's clothes and shoes now, and you're teaching me how to spin when I'm done .


Weaving also taught him some Chinese eating methods, and Lu Bing's passion for being a teacher began to flare up again. Today was a rare sunny day, and he lay sideways on the kang and asked Maxine who was sleeping next to him. "Will the fine weather outside be gone in a blink of an eye?"

Maxine stretched out the duvet to cover Lu Bing's shoulders, and carefully massaged his sore waist and legs. "It looks like today will be sunny, but tomorrow the weather will be cloudy again."

Nestled in Maxine's arms, Lu Bing slightly raised his head to look at the light coming in from the window. "The weather is really nice today, Wu's body has recovered, and his and Mengka's clothes have been made. Maxine, let's go out and play, and catch some fresh fish to eat."

It's sunny outside, but the temperature is low enough for the ice and snow season. Maxine frowned and didn't like Lu Bing's frostbite. Lu Bing saw that this matter was going to be serious and quickly kissed Maxine. "We wear thick clothes and set up a stove on the sled. The sled is covered with animal skins to keep out the wind. It must be warm inside. If it's cold, there will be wine to warm us up. Don't worry about us."

Maxine is still hesitating, the ice and snow season I'm really bored at home and afraid of going out. . Lu Bing didn't want to watch the good things he got fly away and try his best to coax him. "Or use a stone box with charcoal to stuff it on the sled, and then use a bamboo bed to raise the height and spread a bedding on it, so that it will be the same as the house around the animal skin. When you catch fish, we will watch it inside." , okay?"

Yo but Lu Bing, Maxine talked to Meng Ka and Wu after getting up, but Wu Xian agreed to Lu Bing's proposal. Two good orcs dragged the sled that had been prepared for pulling pine needles and carefully strengthened it according to Lu Bing's instructions, and then wrapped it in wolf fur and it was indeed warm inside. Bringing the stove, nuts, wine, stewed meat and other appetizers, Lu Bing and Wu Chuanhou drove to the big lake outside the secret stone group in a sled under the leadership of their respective partners.

The ice and snow season does not snow every day. Often the heavy snow will stop for a few days and the sky will always be gloomy. Such a clear sky is really rare. Lu Bing and Wu sat in the sled and chatted before they could say a few words when they felt that the sled stopped. They pulled the animal skin slightly and looked outside. Maxine and Mengka took the tools on the other sled behind and prepared to dig ice and smash holes.

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