Chapter 47

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Adidev's POV

" You don't have to say anything to placate me " I felt a pinge in my heart hearing Meera's response

" Have I ever said anything that I didn't mean?"

Meera looked away as her eyes welled up and a lone tear flowed down her left cheek.

I caught the tear on my forefinger . It was burning me which I welcomed with my whole heart.

" I never want you to cry at least not for me...If I had the courage to accept what was in my heart , then we may not have lost so many years.... I accept my failure but now I am trying to make up for the lost time."

" Will we ever get back those times?"

" Maybe not but we can try not to let this time slip between our fingers"

Her insecurities and fear were evident on her face and I wanted to wipe them away.

Suddenly, I was struck by the irony of the situation, I laughed internally as realization hit me......I am the one who actually put it there in the first place.

I caught her face between my palms and made her look into my eyes.

" I married you for my family. For a long time I blamed you for their tears......but don't know how or when but you started to matter. Instead of accepting the truth, I cloaked it with the name duty and responsibility....but the truth is..." I trailed off

My eyes were pleading to hers to believe me, trust me..... I rested my forehead on hers as I spoke out the words hidden in my heart for so long


I could see swirls of emotion in Meera's eyes.

Plucking up the courage,I kissed on her right eyelid and repeated my words as if I want to engrave them in her heart

" I love you, Meera..... I promise to love you till the end of my time "

I kissed on her other eyelid

" I promise to give you the family you deserve"

I kissed on her right cheek

"I promise to give you the respect of my WIFE"

I kissed on her left cheek

" I promise that you will be my equal partner and walk WITH me in our journey"

I kissed her on the forehead

" I promise to give my trust to you"

I kissed her on the nose

"I promise to stand by you in all our highs and lows"

Finally , I kissed her on her soft lips tenderly

" I promise to BELONG to you forever"

Meera's POV

I couldn't believe what the night unfolded especially Deva's confession.

After that I am really agitated. I couldn't sleep, so here I am sitting in my favorite place trying to control my emotions which have gone haywire in the past few hours.

Even though I feel so happy by his declaration of love there is still a corner in my heart which is scared of this happiness.

" Meera..."

I turned to see Deva standing beside me near the swing.

" What are you doing here?" he expressed his concern

" I couldn't sleep so I came here"

He looked at me intensely for a moment

" Did I make you uncomfortable?"

I could sense the nervousness in his voice.

" No Deva...." I rushed to reassure him, "Its just that sometimes I am too scared to hope"

I cringed knowing that I may have hurt him with my words but what else could I have said, it is the truth.

He didn't say anything, instead releasing a deep sign, he too settled beside me.

I felt the atmosphere crackling with tension. I thought to talk to him. I don't want any further misunderstandings between us.

" Deva...." I started

" Dont worry.... I am always with you"
he said while looking at me lovingly with a beautiful smile on his face. He then extended his palm to me and I too forwarded my hand to hold him tightly.

In that moment, I realized that he never questioned my silence over his declaration because he was patiently fulfilling all the promise that he made.

I kept my head onto his chest and he instantly wrapped me in his warmth.This brought a smile on my lips and a chunk of my fear was swept away....

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