Chapter 32

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"Kuma-san, is this about the house electrical box again? I told you just give it a good wack and..." My mother's voice. Chattering about how to fix the electrical box on the side yard of the house. I cupped a hand over my mouth, stifling my audible gasp. Once she heard it, my mother paused. "Hello?"

I was at a loss for words. "Is this call a mistake? I'm going to hang up," my mother called. It was only then I spoke up, my voice raspy and shaken.



I cleared my throat, glancing in the direction of the new house owners, who I now assumed were the Kuma-san's that my mother was talking about. They were lounging on a couch, watching a live baseball game on the television. "Yes. Mom... I know this might sound weird and unbelievable but...," I trailed off, trying to stop the tears from welling in my eyes.

"Look, I don't know what's going on so—...," my mother's skeptical voice rang, but I cut her off.

"It's me. It's your daughter! Jikan! I didn't die, I'm alive. I'm okay, mom. I'm okay," I gasped. My lips tingled as I pronounced the word "mom". It was something I hadn't said for a long time. The word felt nice and comforting. I missed it.

Silence filled the other end of the line as I waited for a response. Was this really my mother? Had I mistaken this woman's voice for my mother's since I was so undeniably desperate to hear her? Then, a whimper. My mother was crying.

"Jikan?" her voice quivered. "It can't be you. There's no way. I lost you when I was six. How are you still alive?!" I gripped the phone tightly, as if I was gripping onto my own mother's arm, wishing she was right here with me.

"I want to tell you, I really do. But I also just want tk see you. When I came back to our home—you were gone—I was so scared but... Where are you now?" I asked.

"Hosu city. We moved there a couple years after you disappeared. Hana and I thought it'd be better if we got a fresh start—..."

"Hana?! How is Hana? Gosh, I miss you both so much," I breathed, jumping at the mention of my older sister's name. Hosu city wasn't too far from here, about a couple hours north-west. I could get there by tonight if I left now.

"Hana's great. She's graduated high school now, y'know and... Oh! I just can't believe it! I can't believe my daughter is here!" she cried and I felt like crying too. But, I didn't want to cry anymore than I needed to in front of the Kuma-san's. "When can you come to Hosu city? I want to see you as soon as possible."

"Me too. I'll head there right now!" I declared, glancing at my muddy suitcase. Even if it was in poor condition, I wasn't wasting another second away from my family. "I love you, mom," I whispered into the phone.

A relieved laugh from the other end. "I love you, too, Jikan. Please hurry home."

"I will," I promised, before hanging up the phone and turning to the burly Kuma-san and his pink haired wife.

They were looking at me with intent curiosity, clearly eavesdropping, and once I turned towards them they both quickly looked back at the television. I spared my laughter and approached them with an uncontrollable smile.

"I'm leaving. I've found my mom. I'm going to her right now," I tell them, my face rosy with delight. "Thank you for everything."

The two of them nod vigorously. "Of course, of course. Tell Ushiromuki-san we said hi," the husband said.

"I will!" Something about that promise made me feel ecstatic. The fact that I could tell my mother something said. The fact that I could soon share stories with her, laugh with her, hug her, everything. I grabbed my suitcase and rushed out the door, ignoring the dirt and mud trailing on the floor of the house.

My journey to Hosu City was a long one. When I opened my phone to call a taxi for the train station, I noticed a ridiculous amount of missed calls and texts from Tenko, but I quickly swiped passed them, trying to avoid the thought of him. I took the taxi, hopped on the train which seemed to take years even though it was only a couple of hours, and then grabbed a second taxi to drive me to my mother's new address. The amount of yen this trip piled up was ridiculous.

The new house was a smaller apartment. Presumably because we bought the old house when both my father and I lived in it. Since my father left, and so did I, my mother and Hana probably didn't need as much space. It wasn't exactly the nicest complex either. When I arrived, the elevator was out of order. The notice that was posted on the elevator saying it would be repaired soon was from three months ago. I had to hike up four flights of stairs, hauling my suitcase. I was sweaty and smelled like body odor. The sun had set, and I was tired from the long day.

"Apartment 408," I recited, glancing at the door I was standing in front of, confirming it was the right place. I took a deep breath, preparing to step into my new life. In a year from now, my mother will die of cancer. But, I was ready to live my life with her and my sister to the fullest. Tenko was on his way to being a hero. No more Shigaraki. My sister was safe. We were safe.

Two knocks. A smile twitched onto my face as I heard stumbling from inside and desperate calls. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" This time, the person answering my door wasn't going to be some stout woman, but my kind, caring mother.

The door swung open and my mother was standing there in all her beauty. Her brown hair, which she had cut much shorter than the last time I had seen her, and her all too familiar stormy gray eyes. We stared at each other for a quiet moment, disbelief on both of our faces. Then, my mother smiled. She smiled. She opened her arms welcomingly and said, "Welcome home, my daughter."

I ran into her arms, my suitcase falling to the ground as I started balling. I wailed as I buried my face into her neck and she brushed my hair, cooing. "Shh, shh. It's alright. You're home now..." Her quirk was doing its work. A quirk that warmed me, and comforted me, making me feel energized and calm all at the same time. It was my favorite quirk in the entire world, even if my own quirk was pretty cool.

"Mom!" I wailed. "I-I—..." I sniffed. "I missed you so, so, so much!" my muffled voice cried into her shoulder. I don't think I've ever felt more joy in my life, than being here safe in my mother's arms. 

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