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"saylor, i swear to god, move out of the fucking way," alex grumbled.

"no, i'm getting a shower first; suck it up and deal with it," i huffed.

"i told you that i was going to get in."

"yeah, thirty minutes ago!" i threw my hands up. "we both could've showered already if you would've just got in like you said you would!"

"well, i was doing something," they defended.

"from here on out, don't say you're getting in unless you actually plan on getting in within the next five minutes," i told them. "i don't have time to wait for you to sit there for thirty minutes before you actually get in. now move."

"whatever. hurry the fuck up."

"mm, nah, i think i'ma sit in here for half an hour, then get in the shower," i said sarcastically as i gave a fake smile. they rolled their eyes as i walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

i took my time in the shower. i may have prolonged my time in here, just to annoy alex.

watching them get pissed over little things like that is funny.

after my shower, i got dressed, then brushed my teeth. i then started to blow dry my hair. as i was, i heard a knock... no, lemme rephrase that, a bang, on the door.

"get the fuck out; you can blow dry your hair in here. get out so that i can get my shower," alex complained.

"no, you can wait."

"come on."

"do you want me to take longer?" i rolled my eyes.

i heard them grumble something as they moved away from the door. i snickered to myself as i continued to dry my hair. when i was finished, i scrolled through my phone for another five minutes or so before i decided to exit the bathroom.

when i left the bathroom, i spotted alex sitting on their bed. they were on their phone, and they had airpods in their ears. when i looked closer, i saw that they were using my airpods. when i stepped towards them, i saw that they were also using my charger!

"why are you using my charger and airpods?" i raised a brow after i hit their knee to get their attention.

"these are mine," they gave me a blank stare.

"no, they're mine," i shook my head. "they were on my bed with my shit."

"they look just like mine; i thought i had lost mine, but i found them," they gave a fake smile.

i held my hand out. "they're mine."

they rolled their eyes as they took the airpods out and placed them in my hand. they unplugged their phone and tossed the charger onto my bed. i put my airpods back into their case.

i walked over to alex's suitcase, which was on their bed. i opened it, since it was already unzipped. i picked up a shirt. "well, would you look at that? there's your airpods and your charger," i deadpanned.

"whatever," they muttered. they grabbed some clothes out of their suitcase and headed to the bathroom to get their shower.

i walked over to the thermostat. they had the air turned way up. i turned it down to sixty-seven. i walked over to my bed, and i moved my suitcase off of it. i plugged my phone in and set my airpods on the nightstand. i could hear the water for the shower turn on as i got under the covers and got comfortable.

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