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"hey, baby," i answered my phone with a soft smile as i fell back onto my bed and sunk into the mattress. i laid on my back, and i held my phone up to my ear.

"hey," devon replied. "are you home right now?"

"yeah, i am."

"good. what about your parents?" she asked.

"nah, they went out earlier. they'll still be out for a while," i told her as i crossed an arm behind my head.

"okay. i'll be there in about ten minutes, okay?"

my smile widened. "alright. i'll see you then, devvy."

"see you. bye."

my brows knitted together slightly at the shortness of her reply. "bye," i mumbled as i ended the call.

i got up, and i went to my bathroom to fix my hair from the slight mess it was in. once i did, i walked back over to my bed, and i grabbed my phone. i decided to just look through instagram or whatnot until devon got here.

me and devon have been together for a little over a year now; about fourteen months. we've known each other for probably eighteen months now.

i still can't believe that she's with me though. i practically fell head over heels when i met her, so when she actually gave me the time of day and talked to me, i was shocked.

she's too good for me.

i mean, sometimes our relationship is a little rocky, but no relationship is perfect. she always ends up apologizing and promising that she'll work on it and be better for me.

it wasn't long before i heard a knock on my front door. i quickly made my way to it, and i opened the door. i smiled as i looked up slightly to meet devon's eyes.

"hi, devvy," i greeted softly as i wrapped my arms around her and pecked her lips.

"hey," she replied. "look, i need to talk to you."

my brows knitted together as i looked at her. "okay..." i trailed off uncertainly. i grabbed her hand to lead her to my room. "come here then."

she shut the door behind herself before she followed me to my room. we both took a seat on my bed, and we faced each other. i looked at her anxiously.

"i'm moving," she blurted abruptly. "so, we should break up."

with just those seven words, i could feel my heart break. i looked at her helplessly. "what?"

"i'm moving," she repeated. "so, i think it's best that we break up."

"no, it's not," i shook my head as i tried to not let my eyes well up with tears. "we can make this work. a long distance relationship can't be that hard."

"no, alex," she sighed. "it wouldn't work."

"then i'll come with you," i said determinedly as i tried to think of any way to make her not go through with this.

"you're sixteen," she reminded me.

"almost seventeen," i defended. "i'll come with you, devvy. i don't care."

"and what? you think your parents would allow that? think realistically, alex," she shook her head. "you know you can't just come with me."

my eyes teared up. "well, i'm not going to let you break up with me just because you're moving," i insisted stubbornly. "that's bullshit, dev!"

"i'm transferring to a better college; one that would need my undivided attention. i won't have time for a girlfriend," she explained. "i'm sorry. look, i've gotta go."

she started to get up to walk away. she stood up, but i pulled her back to me. i pressed my lips against her's and tried to quickly deepen the kiss as i grabbed her hand and led it to my pants. i was willing to do anything to make her stay.

she let me put her hand in my pants before she abruptly pulled back. "stop that," she shook her head.

"come on, devvy, please don't do this," i pleaded as i took her hand in both of mine as i looked at her. "please, don't leave me. i love you so much; more than anything. a-and you love me too... right?"

she stared at me for a few, silent moments. she held eye contact. "no. i don't."

with that, my heart shattered. my grip on her hand loosened, and my eyes welled up again. "w-what?" i whispered, almost at a loss for breath.

she pulled her hand back. she let out a deep sigh. "come on... you really thought a twenty-one year old would want to be with a sixteen year old? much less be in love with them."

"b-but you—" i stumbled over my words before i stopped. it felt like my entire world was falling apart.

"you're so gullible. how could you possibly think i wanted to be with you?" she scoffed. "i just— god, you were so easy. i knew that you'd do anything i asked you to. i used you. all you were to me was an easy fuck; someone who was mine and only mine, even though i wasn't their's."

with every word she spoke, i could feel my heart break more and more. every time i thought she was done, she'd just continue, as if she enjoyed watching me completely fall apart.

"you know, you were smart enough to know that i was 'cheating,' but also dumb enough to believe me and forgive me over, and over, and over again," she let out an amused laugh. "like i said: you are gullible and easy. perfect for me... but unfortunate for you."

i couldn't even look at her at this point. my body was shaking with sobs as i sat on the edge of my bed.

she walked over, and she grabbed the side of my face. her thumb rubbed my cheekbone as she forced me to look at her. "hey, calm down. you'll be fine. what could you know about 'love' anyways? after all, you're just sixteen," she said before she stood up straight and shook her head.

"now, i have to go," she started to walk towards my door. "don't contact me or try to find me."

she walked out the door, but then stopped. she turned to me.

"and alex? don't tell anyone about this, or i will ruin your life," she threatened with a serious facial expression. she stared at me for only a moment before she walked completely out of my room.

with that, i completely broke down. my chest wracked with sobs, and my entire body shook. it got so bad to the point of me throwing up twice. even after i did, i couldn't stop crying.

when i eventually did quit crying, i was laying in my bed. my blanket was wrapped around me tightly as i tried to catch my breath. i glanced at the clock, and i saw that it was eight p.m.

just four more hours until i turn seventeen... happy fucking birthday to me, i guess.

a/n ayooo


any predictions?


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