Chapter 2: Unusual

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[The Next Day]

(Kaaru was at home while he was exhausted after going to the hospital that yesterday. He was seated on a chair and Junri gives him a coffee)

KAARU: I thought you said it has side effects

JUNRI: Also good effects for people who need stimulation (Sits opposite to him) You have been acting strange lately, you need something to work it out.

KAARU: (Looked at the coffee and took a sip from it) Delicious.

JUNRI: Glad you like it. (He continues to drink it while Junri stared at him as she was surprised to see him alright) Kaaru, I'm really surprised about your condition. You seem to be alright.

KAARU: Well I don't know what really happened. (got up from his chair)

JUNRI: Alright. Remember that you are going to school tomorrow.

KAARU: I know. Goodnight Junri.

(He went up to his room and lied down on his bed. The next day at school in class, Dyna and his boys were eating junk foods like hamburger and french fries with ketchup. Spike was rushing his food as he finished two hamburger)

KEN: Damn you Spike, you eat like an animal. You are always in a haste when eating.

SPIKE: It's not your business Ken, I eat whatever I want. You are just saying that as if you don't eat like that in front of Raynell.

KEN: Don't call my girlfriend's name into this.

DYNA: Quiet both of you. I hate to see the way you two are not getting along.

SPIKE: Sorry Boss

DYNA: You should be sorry to yourself.

(Yuuto took his french fries and mix it up with the ketchup as he is seen with an upset face)

DYNA: What's with the face Yuuto? You are making yourself feel guilty.

YUUTO: It's nothing Dyna.

DYNA: I can't see nothing written on your face...

YUUTO: I said I'm fine. What else do you want to know?

(Yuuto left while Dyna was surprised same with his friends)

SPIKE: You see that Ken he called him by his name.

KEN: Yeah.

(Yuuto left the class and surprisedly saw Kaaru. Kaaru was shocked as he remember what Yuuto did to him the last time. Yuuto pass by without harming or touching him. Kaaru saw Dyna and was also shocked)

DYNA: (Calls him) Hey you!

KAARU: (Thought) Oh no. I'm dead.

DYNA: You try to run away from us?

KAARU: No I'm not-

(Dyna landed him a punch on his gut and Kaaru goes on his kneels holding his stomach)

DYNA: It's that what you think? you little twerp

(Kaaru felt the pain while he touches his chest and remember the reddish part he saw on the x-ray)

SPIKE: Remember that you are our slave, so go get us something to eat.

KEN: The last time he saw us, he didn't buy us that bowl of ramen we sent him to.

KAARU: No (He got up) I would not do it (Clenches his fist)

DYNA: (They were surprised and he was angry) Looks like you want to fight (He was about to punch him and Kaaru dodge all of a sudden and he was shocked) What da...

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